tony_cousins Posted November 25, 2006 Author Posted November 25, 2006 yeah will be posted up when i have eaten lol
prodrive tony Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Excuses first all though he said good things. 1. Im only 500 miles on new engine 2. Kept revs to 5500 max on rollers 3. Standard UK ECU 219BHP 219TQ Needs Crank sensor, Injectors, A replacement Apexi ECU and all the Mod's can then come together I hope!!
granby Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 yeah will be posted up when i have eaten lol Oh yes, must eat first [pi] []
granby Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Boost set to 0.7 bar booo!! Well you are only running it in []
mick_weatherill Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 285 bhp/288lb/ft not bd for a decat and a ppp ecu !!!!!! [Y] did you get the figures for everyone Hurry up tony im waiting to see these figures before going back to the packing []
HOL Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 I have tried to think of good reasons (excuses) for my lowly 371bhp this time round, what do you think? The cat ate my dump valve.Something must be loose as I DID have a misfire at 4000rpm.I have 'mega-rom' , which means individual maps per gear, rather than an average. 6th & 5th Gear (used for the RR) would now be lower boost/less agressive that 1 to 4, the accellerating gears.(Need to confirm that - but sounds good!) There was a dead horse in the road and I could not get pastThere was leaves on the rollers.I had a dodgy kebab the night before. All credible reasons in my book.
Pele Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Hurry up Tony!?!?! It's me who's been sorting the figures out [] I've done them from highest BHP first, and they will be posted in a mo, but firstly I have a few words to say... Thankyou all for turning up despite the weather, I must admit I didn't think half of you would come, but everyone on my list managed to make it, along with a few extras making it a 34 run. Thanks once again to the Lads at PE for looking after us and supplying tea, coffee and lots of food for us to eat [] There were some very good power figures, I can see I've got a bit of modding to do before I hit the rollers again!! Next we have quotes of the day..... He looks like he's swallowed a coat hanger! Loony Bin when swtmerce (I think) got his power figures..... And this one's my favourite.... You wait till I get you home! - Big Jay to Scoots and I'll let them explain that one lol That's all I have to say for the moment [] Figures will be put up shortly....
Pele Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Right here you are, I've left a space between each to owners can add car model, mods and any comments if they wish [] Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
Pele Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 And Tony has been snoring his head off for the last hour, totally ruining my concentration lol []
james_neill Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft STi 6 (the grey one). Very happy with my figures - especially the torque. Car is standard apart from exhaust (sports cat and magnex centre section and back box), filter, uprated fuel pump, and Andy Forrest remap. Nice to know my little old classic has the same performance figures as a brand new out the factory STi Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
Pele Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 No, didn't really have the money to fuel two cars between us and pay for the rollers too and I've not done any mods since last time. Also there was the weather, I nearly had several offs on the way to Norwich Friday in such weather and I didn't wan't to risk it again, and I was glad I didn't as on the way back we nearly had to pull over due to the torrential downpour and lightning, you couldn't see anything in front and people were still driving at silly speeds[:@] Mines so light it just aquaplanes sideways, not good on a packed motorway []
mick_weatherill Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Oh [Y] So what was yours running last time?
Stressymare Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 [:#] sorry carnt delete the whole thing not postin in Kent Scoobies again !!! wonder how long it will last this time lol
XR-Wayne Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft.......... Well i was very pleased with the power figures i got today.Had a nice power curve and the guys at PE said it was very well setup and was very happy with it - I would of been happy with about 280-300bhp so 330bhp has left a bigger grin...Thanks again to the team that set today up. Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
Pele Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 256bhp/239lbs/ft so not very high lol, got a lot of catching up to do, as per usual lol [] Although he did say that I had a boost problem and it could be a faulty actuator & no I haven't fixed it yet....
XR-Wayne Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Was nice to finally meet you Pele, and i will get to another meet soon.onlty taken me over a Any one get any pics from today?
tommy_lee Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft.......... Well i was very pleased with the power figures i got today.Had a nice power curve and the guys at PE said it was very well setup and was very happy with it - I would of been happy with about 280-300bhp so 330bhp has left a bigger grin...Thanks again to the team that set today up. Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft STi 6 (the grey one). Very happy with my figures - especially the torque. Car is standard apart from exhaust (sports cat and magnex centre section and back box), filter, uprated fuel pump, and Andy Forrest remap. Nice to know my little old classic has the same performance figures as a brand new out the factory STi Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Hi Pele. Yep, I'm the one with the oversize coat hanger in my mouth I was so happy because I had only owned my car for 200 miles when she blew her big end bearings back in July. Since she was rebuilt I've been paranoid about detonation amongst other things. Anyway Iain said she was fuelling spot on, there wasn't even a tinkle of det and she was running very sweet. Before she blew she was rolling roaded at 304 bhp/250 lb/ft so I was very happy with today's 302 bhp. More importantly, I've gained a whole load of torque low down in the rev range. All credit to 22B Andy who rebuilt the motor. Thanks for organising the day! Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
Dalthegooner Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Some good figures there [H][Y] [:#] sorry carnt delete the whole thing dont worry i wont post in Kent Scoobies again !!!!! Have you been a naughty girl again Stressy [][]
Stressymare Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Some good figures there [H][Y] [:#] sorry carnt delete the whole thing Have you been a naughty girl again Stressy [][] [] [:#] []
AllenJ Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Thanx once again for organising this. Car: MY04STi, Mods: H&S Full decat Exhaust System, All the Zero Sports Cooling Aids: including N1 panel filter, Air Intake Pipe, Cool Thermo, Radiator Fin, Rad cap etc..., Walbro Fuel Pump 255L and a custom ECUTEK ReMap by Paul @ Zen performance. Well pleased. Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft.......... Well i was very pleased with the power figures i got today.Had a nice power curve and the guys at PE said it was very well setup and was very happy with it - I would of been happy with about 280-300bhp so 330bhp has left a bigger grin...Thanks again to the team that set today up. Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft STi 6 (the grey one). Very happy with my figures - especially the torque. Car is standard apart from exhaust (sports cat and magnex centre section and back box), filter, uprated fuel pump, and Andy Forrest remap. Nice to know my little old classic has the same performance figures as a brand new out the factory STi Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Hi Pele. Yep, I'm the one with the oversize coat hanger in my mouth I was so happy because I had only owned my car for 200 miles when she blew her big end bearings back in July. Since she was rebuilt I've been paranoid about detonation amongst other things. Anyway Iain said she was fuelling spot on, there wasn't even a tinkle of det and she was running very sweet. Before she blew she was rolling roaded at 304 bhp/250 lb/ft so I was very happy with today's 302 bhp. More importantly, I've gained a whole load of torque low down in the rev range. All credit to 22B Andy who rebuilt the motor. Thanks for organising the day! Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
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