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I am looking to buy a 5dr Impreza (probably the 2.0gx - unfortunately). I have been looking at some through Ian Grieve in Falkirk and he is hoping to get a couple back this week.

What I  was wondering was :-

1. What are the pros and cons of owning this sort of car. A friend has a simlar one to the one I am looking at and he seems to be very happy - other than the servicing and usual running costs. I was wondering if you could give me an idea about these costs and what I should be looking out for.

2. Is there much difference between the 2.0 gx and the 2.0 gx Sport.

3. Finally, didn't think I was going to have to ask this this morning. On  the way from Kirkintilloch to Glasgow this morning, a speed camera flashed me as I drove towards it. Do you know if they can catch you speeding even if you were going towards the Gatso. (42ish in a 30 - I think!).

4. Having previously owned 3 MX5's (sorry - please don't let this put you off replying to me), I was a member of their club in Scotland. How much is it to join this club and is there a link I should follow.




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Welcome to the site Bryan.

In response to your query(s):

1: Don't know much about these cars, but someone on here should help out soon.

2: Same as 1

3: There are camera that photograph you from the front, this is to identify the driver. Nasty sneaky fookers. Fingers crossed there was no film in it.

4: http://www.sidc.co.uk/article/default.asp?art_id=143 This is where you want to look.



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1. The sports/gx are very reliable and competent cars. They are however not the turbo models. In my personal opinion I think you can probably get something better for your money with the non-turbos, but maybe not with as much character. The 4wd they all come with makes them very capable in the wet, snow etc. and they are very safe cars.

2. Not sure. Someone else might be able to help.

3. GATSO flashing in your face means you wont get done.

4. Membership - http://shop.sidc.co.uk/index.cfm?cat_id=2 - the club is great, and very active, and not just limited to turbo owners, although most are. The runs, meets and various events are all a great success and the forums are a very lively place full of lots of useful help.

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It can't have been one of these then - 180px-Gatso_Camera.jpg as they are not allowed to do you as front facing due to the flash.

If you were done by a front facing camera it was NOT a "GATSO" of that variety.

"Fixed installation post (F.I.P) Gatso speed cameras are rear facing as they use a 'flash' to capture the image required for prosecution, which would distract a driver if forward facing. "

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According to Sean's email link, if it is a Gatso and flashes at you, it cannot get you. There is one which does get you from the front, a Truvelo, but it uses an infrared flash which you don't see.


The only front facing camera that can catch you is the Truvelo, but this doesn't flash.


Just hope this is legit - too many points already!!!

Cheers for all your help.

Any more info re 5dr 2.0GX's gratefully received.



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I have Just got rid if the Shed, It was a 1.8GL which is the classic version of the GX.....

Very good cars, but not as capable as the turbo models, In fact I drove one of the new age ones quite a while ago and I thoght it was pretty gutless... the handling can be just as great as any scoob, but you notice the difference in straigh line speed and acceleration....

but what You want to look for In my experience is rust, once you get the first bit... I found that it was very bad on the roof, I'm on my second classic, and both have rusty roofs, At least this one is getting done under warranty... nip it in the bud early and you cant go wrong!!!! 

other than that there is not alot I think that you need to look out for, just stuff that you would look for on any other car, if you can justify it, Get a turbo, if not then you can do worse than to get a GL/GX, best value for money if your going along the non-turbo route, go for the classics, IMHO better value for money...  [y]#

Hope that helps...  [:o]

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The front face camera gatsco, Is there line markings on the wrong side of the road? How can they take a picture of you enter and exit the measured marks on the road?

If it flashes in your face which would be photo one, where does photo 2 come from so they can measure your average speed, between the markings on the road?. Does it take picture 2 when you are along side it?



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