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Looked at this before but after being prompted again by the media, ive had a good look through.

post your best clip of any ilk here.

i love this one!! 50ft level off..............3....................2......................1......................

what a rush that looks

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Please excuse me as i have a lot of weird shit in my body tonight ............Just came off of 24hr call out this morning and completely off my trolley 2nite...............apologies.

p.s.....i'm enjoying myself,even if no one else is................



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Well known, but incredibly clever pop video -

A nice day out on the beach...

Yngwie Malmsteen, for all you guitar players - if you've seen him before, this is hysterical!


And here he is again - when you're as cocky as Yngwie, you're just asking for this kind of p***taking...


Remember steel lungs Graham Bonnet, who sang Since You've Been Gone etc with Rainbow? here he is in 1968!


And in case Ritchie Blackmore is watching, you're not getting away either. Dig that swing!


Somewhat pointless, but amazing nonetheless...

Sweet shop fun - wonder if you can take these on a plane?

And this is a long but worthwhile clip - you need to hear the commentary... And see the colossal explosion!


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