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Oobster's motor

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Now i've seen it for real instead of in pictures, what a stunner !!

Much kudos to you mate, that's a belter of a car you have there [:)] Oh

and the red and white will always curry favour with me lol.


It was indeed very nice! Narrowly missed out on a shown and shine trophy as well. Standards were very high, so Rich went had to look at minor details such as insides of wheels, exhaust tip, inside of arches etc to help separate the cars [:)]



Thanks for the comments guys, really appreciated.

Especially since i'm rather fed up @ the moment after spotting a new dent on the drivers door @ lunchtime today - can't be 100% certain, but i'm fairly confident this must have happened either at Alford or on the way home from it. Just hope the dent man can remove it, got to wait till Wednesday to find out. [:)]

I did notice Rich pointing at my wheels with you John, and can only agree that they were indeed filthy on the inside. However, this was my 1st (and perhaps only) show & shine and if i decide to enter another similar competition in the future i'll "up my game" a bit.

Brian's car definitily deserved the Best Newage competition - well done Brian!


I did notice Rich pointing at my wheels with you John, and can only agree that they were indeed filthy on the inside. However, this was my 1st (and perhaps only) show & shine and if i decide to enter another similar competition in the future i'll "up my game" a bit.

Brian's car definitily deserved the Best Newage competition - well done Brian!

I wouldn't give up, the finish on your car was superb! It's by doing events like this that you find out the differences between the cars, and the litle differences that count. Next time I'm sure you'll have the wheels spotless on the inside and out, inner wheel arches all clean/dressed.

As mentioned on the other thread, I never spotted any dings in your car at around 3:30/4pm when looking at the cars with Rich, so it can only have happened after that (not so many people around), or on the way home. Hope it's easy/quick/cheap to sort out.



Aye, n Rich said that it was the area missed on my exhaust that let me down in theshow n shine[:'(] I'll bring the steel polish with me next time[:)]. All great fun anyhoo, a great comp and well done to the winners[Y] especially my mate Sammy the chamois. Good banter as always Brian and Andy Oobster[:)]



I spotted you Andy (oobster)cruising back from Alford at about 6.15pm just south of perth, Car looked very nice passing by. I was in a golf so you wouldnt have spotted me!

Whats all this with polishing yer exhausts and inside of wheels?! its a rally slag for christ sake, you'll be putting it up on ramps next with mirrors underneath[*-)]!!



Oobster and the rest of sidc car's on the show n shine stand are well tidy .You lot must take your wheels of and polish the inner part of the wheel


Whats all this with polishing yer exhausts and inside of wheels?! its a rally slag for christ sake, you'll be putting it up on ramps next with mirrors underneath[*-)]!!


PMSL Col. Have you seen them @ prodrives gaff. you could eat yer dinner aff them. We must have just missed you Col as we were just a wee bit behind Andy @ that point.


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