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Need help with getting flag poles "adjusted"

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Guys and gals as you all prolly know I have the flag poles for the SIDC stand but due to them being absolutely humungous they are a bit of a pain in rear to transport to and from events. Most people that use em have difficulties getting em to and from events too, just ask Ally B [:(]

Anyone know of a local machine shop ( near Edinburgh? or near a SIDC member hint hint) that can cut the poles to a more reasonable size?  Pretty much each section will need cut into 2 and an insert machined to ensure a good and strong connection.

Obviously the cheaper and faster the better [:D]



Great idea Scott [^o)]

They don't fit in my scoob because it doesn't have the opening in the back seats for skis

. . . which is a nuicance , when I want to take them to Subaru events in my Subaru .[:$]

Anyone who can chop them and fit a spigot or sleeve would be doing us a big favour [Y]



if you cut them (in half) and fit a bigger sleeve over one end and tack weld it in place then drill a hole right through the other end with the other part slid into place so you can put a pin through it to lock it when erected ! howz that ! try a local black smith ! easy for that guy !


My faither in law owns an engineering firm in Armadale. I'm sure that wouldnt be a big job for them.


there ye go ! easy for a guy wae the right tools ! sorted !

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