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Glasgow meet/run/BBQ caption competition.

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Gregor didn't know if could put the fire out - as he'd just empty'd his bladder over the only non-Subaru in the carpark [;)]



fpmsl thats quality gumball glad i wasnt in that shot, peter if you look down big davies crease you might find your pound coin.. nobody got any pics of the homeless guy wandering around with his tartan rug around him.


looks like a whole lot of fun  to me.

Although when i look at the photo i really cant help but thinking that people shouldnt be allowed to stand on the left at a distance and pull their root.

Some people are perverts



WILKY "Are you going to the bbq?"

GAYBALL "Am ah feck, you can smoke my rod..."

6 hrs later................................

GAYBALL"How was the bbq??"

WILKY "Superb real fun"

GAYBALL (P*ssed off) "Thats nice goodbye"..........................................................

Proof that this man tells jackanories-


WILKY- Ling dong, i am lying on my water bed

GUMBALL- I just jammed the polis with my defuser

WILKY- Are you going to the meet?

GUMBALL- AM i fkuc, why dont you chew my stick

WILKY- I might go.

GUMBALL- Sound, i need to go ive got calls to make.

WILKY- Just one more thing before you go..........................i just sprayed up my own back.

Click.......line goes dead

See the clear difference up until teh last bit about the spraying on back? some people talk so much plopety plop they forget what the truth is in their own mind.

You toucher of mens pee pees.

** edited to point out- The call was as i was leaving edinburgh after work on the M9 at 1812hrs. The reason i didnt go cos i was naked in bed with a hot china. Now apprently wilky thinks i called him 6 hrs later at 0012hrs from my love nest to ask about a BBQ???????????****

You blower of mens pimmels


Yes boys, unfortunately the japs are having the last laugh on all us stupid cnuts by sending their crappy, poorly built Imprezas that women drive (my wife has one) and keep all the far nicer Legacies for themselves. Just try having an orgy in the back of a GT-B, then try it in an Imp - a few other posts might support this with their sexual content.

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