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inverness imprezas?

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Nice little turn out for a 1st meet [:)] with a lot of friendly folk [:D]

Some nice cars, & good of Jason with his TypeR & his mate in the Legacy joining in when they saw a convoy of Scoobs on the road.


Hope you enjoyed the run , sorry i didn't have time tonight to go the full way. Cheers for not broadcasting route [:D]


Hope to see you all & maybe some more for the next one.



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ps i hope the two steves and al appreciated my detour through the housing estate as much as the local kids did!

At least the scenery was good.[;)] I had forgotten what fun twisty roads can be especially when you are at the back and don't want to get lost. Next time lets make sure we have bug repellant. Looking forward to the next one just as much as Shell, seem to have mislaid 3/4 of a tank between 7pm and 11.30pm.

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Yeah thanks for last night guys , had a cracking time...

thanks top 360ste for the Lift, and that was a decent run like, Might even take the Shed along with me then next time!!  (You'll just have to give me time to catch up.... [;)])

Right, Just about to get kicked out of the Library now , So best go.... [:D]

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What a great time we had last night!

Absolutely loved it and can't wait for the next one.  Hopefully I'll be back on full boost by then eh??!!  Got some handy advice and it was great to see such nice motors.

Good to see the classics along too.  Still love the overall look of them and great to see them looking in such excellent condition!

I'll get some pics sorted out as soon as I can but a bit rushed at the moment!

For those of you who never made it along this time - I'm afraid you missed a good night but judging by previous posts, you'll have ample opportunity to come to the next one and the next one and the next one!!![;)]

Thanks to those who came along and made it such a good night.  The sad news from last night is that the detour we had to follow at the end was due to a fatality on the main road.  A 35 ton digger fell off the back of a low loader and killed the passenger of another car...[N]

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Yeah thanks for last night guys , had a cracking time...

thanks top 360ste for the Lift, and that was a decent run like, Might even take the Shed along with me then next time!!  (You'll just have to give me time to catch up.... [;)])

Right, Just about to get kicked out of the Library now , So best go.... [:D]

Oh dear, your everywhere arent you, you any closer to buying some turbo rice yet Dale?

Steve - Get those snaps up

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Thanks to everyone for a great time. Some cracking motors on show, and a good bunch of friendly people. Think I may some new tyres though, after the second half of that run!!!!! ;-)

Shame about the accident, it did look serious, the way the feds were marking off the road. Nice little detour, to check out the housing estates of the north too!!

Hope to see you all soon, I'm off down south until the 21st July, but will def be up for meeting up after then.


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Nice one. Next time I'll definately be taking midge repellent. Either that or start up chain smoking!!  Forgot to say, on the way back on Wednesday, I bumped into a 3 dr Sierra Cosworth! Lets just say, It didnt take very long to get back to Elgin. ;-)

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Nice one. Next time I'll definately be taking midge repellent. Either that or start up chain smoking!!  Forgot to say, on the way back on Wednesday, I bumped into a 3 dr Sierra Cosworth! Lets just say, It didnt take very long to get back to Elgin. ;-)

Yes I can believe that the way cars were pulling over as I came towards them. Even had one pull over by the cop shop in Nairn as the lights went green. Good show Al.

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Oh, yeah for some odd reason I had forgotten about that, Very odd, several cars on the run, just pulling out of the way to let us past, that was very bizzare... and its not as if we were going fast... at all...

Ive never seen that before, its not like ANY motorist to get out of the way...

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Oh, yeah for some odd reason I had forgotten about that, Very odd, several cars on the run, just pulling out of the way to let us past, that was very bizzare... and its not as if we were going fast... at all...

Ive never seen that before, its not like ANY motorist to get out of the way...

We're all nice like that up here! [:D]

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