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Scoobyred wiped out

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Greetings all,

just to let u know that I wont be joining you for a while. A nice chap in an Evo travelling in the opposite direction decided he was going to overtake 2 cars failing to notice me coming towards him. This resulted in a less than desirable head on situation !

No serious injuries but the Scooby looks pretty shagged. Not sure if we ll be seing her again - waiting to hear if shes a write off [:D]

Still, the air bags work well and Id say the Evo came off worse [:D]

I ll keep u posted


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Bloody awful, goes to show what damage can be done when an evo gets in the wrong hands. I would have been fuming. Good on the scooby for keeping you all safe, even if it has maybe sacrificed its own life. Hope the police are going to do something about the evo drivers license.
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