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If u didnt own a Scooby. . .

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Just wondering what every1 wud have if they didnt have a scoob?

I dont mean if u won the lottery, money no object cars. Just affortable cars that every1 cud own

Mine's would be an Escort Cosworth. Ive always loved them and 'will' have one at sumpoint!


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Seen a white exige on Gt Western Rd last night Doug... mmmmm, v nice. Would have to be a 2nd car really though, took out an Elise before buying the scoob and it was great fun but not an everyday car!

E46 M3 for me i think..... or an older (993 maybe) 911.....

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mmmm decisions, decisions,

In the unlikely event of never owning a subaru again first choice

would be an Escort Cosworth LUX but they are getting a bit old

now so probably one of the following depending how much i had to spend.

Subaru [:(]

Porsche 911

Evo VIII FQ-350

Ford Focus RS

Seat Leon Cupra R


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This is a really hard question I find. Before I bought my scoob I was looking at (new cars) the CTR, Leon Cupra R and the Octavia RS. Nothing else took my fancy and I didn't really want a FWD car anyway.

Now I've had a taste of something with a bit of power I can't see me going back to something normal again for the forseeable future.

If I had the cash I'd have a 911, but that's a long way off.

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My wive's boss of 12 years ago loaned me her Celica 2.0GT for 2 weeks Seeing that I drove a 205 Diesel, it was more like an experience than a car. It then became my dream to own one, though I never thought this would ever be possible, but 10 years later, I got a brand new one. Loved it! After two years I was looking for a new car and intended to buy the T Sport, but the Subaru caught my eye. So, if I didn't have an Impreza, I'd propbably be driving a Celica T Sport. I know, not very raw is it?


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If i could stretch my current budget a little i would prolly end up with a TVR.... Very silly choice if you look at it logically but...... they sound soooo good!

O/T - Doug, cheers, looks a lot tidier, TBH i thought the garden was a bit of a mess wi bits of slab, chuckies n bark... plus a whole lotta weeds!! Just to paint the outside now and thats me for this house!

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I too would love an escort cossie. Will one day hopefully have one to keep my scooby company!

Have recently become fond of Supras and would also like a a converted corsa or nova, either a throttle boddied c20xe or c20let [:(


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