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I have just had a cracking e mail from Peter Kinnaird, the MD of Subaru UK.

I emailed him a couple of days ago and asked him if he could help us with a lead car for the convoy, what he replied still hasnt sunk in yet............

He would like to give me the use of an STI Spec D for the convoy.Its good for Subaru, good for us.

I am overwhelmed with the news.

Once I have spoken to the liason team I will know if they are happy for us to add some relay graphics, sponsors etc.

This adds weight to things. They will love the PR and i can see the press now just over the horizon.

Thank you Peter, thank you Subaru UK.

Callum W

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You have done an AWESOME job on this whole project. I, unfortunately, can't be part of it due to other commitments, but I  salute you for your work, efforts and dedication to this from day one. It will be a success, of that I have no doubt and I hope you sit back in John O'Groats with a beer and think "Job Well Done" - you deserve to. I look forward to hearing the stories, seeing the photos and being green with envy.

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Thanks for the kind comments,

If you dont ask you dont get. Im just disapointed tht he wasnt asked earlier, someone told me that they had asked and got no joy.

Im beginning to wonder what else that people were supposed to do has not been done, or half heartedly attempted.

Im going to start double checking.



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Welldone Wilky for asking.

I had to do some asking when i was doing the raffle thing and i was well surprise with the response too.

It shows that the Subaru Community do care.

What shall i do with the money raised??Wilky

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