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Bird flu in Fife - no joke..

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When you think of all the people from the uk who work in the oil industry in parts of the world where our standards of living are a huge way off it makes you think for a moment.

I for one am quite worried about this, in some cases we cant tell where the food is coming from, how it is being prepaired and how clean these places are!

I dont want to put panic into folk for no reason but think how easy it is for one person to be working in any of these "Poorer countrys" one day and then arrive home the next.

In Baku just now there is a bit of a problem with this flu, a few reports have been made of birds droping down dead on rigs, one was found on this one yesterday, FACT. There are a number of procedures in place to make sure that no one can come into contact with the bird that was found.

One of the ministers from down here mucked up on telly the other day whilst being interviewed about a number of swans found dead, at first it was only said to be about 15 or so but he blurted out, by mistake, that over a hundred had been found, oopps.




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I seem to remember some talking head, maybe Sir Liam Donaldson, saying that it was not a question of "if avian flu arrives in the UK, but when".

Well who-ever it was that stated this was correct and here we go.

It could be very serious should the virus mutate. F&M was containable (apart from a few stupid farmers) but I don't remember ever seeing any cattle that could fly.





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WHO (world health organisation) reckon that if it mutates amongst mammals as it has with cats etc, then humans could start passing it onto each other and at least 700,000 people in the UK could be killed.

In a 9 year old boy in Vietnam, they found traces of the flu in his sh@t, lungs, urine, nose and blood. he lived with his sister in a room and she also got it. whats that all about???????

Shaking hands in the UK will be banned if it becomes a pandemic and starts taking out the village.

Star buying volvic and cans of food now and tape up your window sills, stay in, play GT4 and Toca and dont go out.

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