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Pics of my new Scooby

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Only taken a week to get some taken [:(]

1st off a massive thanks to Russ at Eden Subaru for laying his hands on it and not giving in to the poor unfortunates that were asking about it before I gave him the cash !! Great service and I hope you got the fingerprints my daughter left off of all the cars in the showroom......

Car is mint and looks the nuts on the PFF7s and with the mudflaps. Want to be sensible and keep the warranty so its the PPP for me in June but the Prodrive spring kit will be on this month. Not as quick as the wagon (well it does have approx. 40 horses less) but I can hold a conversation above 40 mph now and at last I can stop - I have brakes!!!

Couple of pics below:






And yes - I know its boring WR Blue but I like it [:(]



thats a mint looking motor and love the flaps, thinking of getting some for my own, however starting think i  should have gone for new age rather than classic but hey live and learn



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