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posted this in the technical bit but thought i may get more responce here

chaps, i need some help

MY98 type r with a full decat and dump valve

in the last few days it has started to hesitate a bit about the 2500-3000 rpm mark and after that it clears, revs drop when coming to a stop but goes back to normal

have just checked the fault code coming up is 24 = Idle air control solenoid

but after doing a search on here i was thinking i could be the MAF

any ideas




I certainly can't claim to be an expert, but have you checked to see if the DV is leaking boost? Is your boost pressure peaking at the same point (if you have a gauge that you can look at)?


Its worth checking all the pipes, etc. But, I would go with it being a fecked MAF mate... Sounds similar to the problems me and my friends have had on our MY99's in the past.




Okay, its one of the following me thinks,

1. MAF is knackered, this can be cleaned with brake cleaner, look up a thread about cleaning it on scoobynet. If cleaning it doesnt sort it, try a borrowed working one.

2. Type Rs are notorious for lunching thier ignition leads. I dont know why, but Colin Greer replaces every type r set he sees. Check them once again with a borrowed set to eliminate them.

3. check your plugs, they could be fecked.

I doubt the DV is causing it as you would see boost loss if it was leaking.

If these tests dont eliminate it PM me and we will go a bit further.

Callum W


I once got told to disconnect the maf when the cars at idle - if its fubar the car should splutter to a hault. If it keeps running the maf is your problem!!

^^Dont hold me to that though....im just passing the info along!! face-icon-small-smile.gif


If it showing a code 24 then it wont be the maf, lambda or flux capacitor, it will be the idle air control solenoid, funnily enough

The super smart diagnostic system has detected that the output of the idle air control solenoid has fallen outwith perameters enough for the ECU to trigger a fault code 24

Is the CEL on all the time, if this is the case then the fault is current and the component will need changed over asap. If the CEL is not on when driving then the fault has been logged as historical

Reset the ECU and if the CEL flashes steadily within say 50yds of driving then the component neads a good clean out in the coolant feed area. If the CEL takes a couple of miles to illuminate then the component is guffed and will need replaced

If there were multiple codes at the same time then you diagnose and repair the lowest code first and this can in turn deactivate the higher codes but Steve has only mentioned a single code 24



each sensor has its own code

the code that flashed up is 24 and that is the code for the idle air control solenoid

if the CEL is permanantly lit then the fault is currently active

if the code flashes up when the black connectors under the dash are connected then the fault is historical

reset the ECU and if the CEL flashes steadily after a short 50 yard drive then the fault is not currently active

reset the ECU and if it takes forever and a day for the CEL to illuminate then the fault is currently active

the ecu in the Subaru is a clever bit of kit in the self protection dept. if the ECU detects that a sensors output has fallen outwith a certain perameter then it will try to compensate using another sensor. If that fails then it will retard the igntiion, richen up the mixture, lower the boost pressure and if it thinks it still cannot opertate safely then it will go into Limp Home Mode and keep the CEL permantly on until the faulty component is fixed or replaced.

is this clear enough or am i making it worse


Looking out for a laser dot on the wall


I'd say you've forgotten more than a lot of people know about Subarus.... but I dont think your programming allows you to forget anything?! lol face-icon-small-happy.gif




<< each sensor has its own code

the code that flashed up is 24 and that is the code for the idle air control solenoid

if the CEL is permanantly lit then the fault is currently active

if the code flashes up when the black connectors under the dash are connected then the fault is historical

reset the ECU and if the CEL flashes steadily after a short 50 yard drive then the fault is not currently active

reset the ECU and if it takes forever and a day for the CEL to illuminate then the fault is currently active

the ecu in the Subaru is a clever bit of kit in the self protection dept. if the ECU detects that a sensors output has fallen outwith a certain perameter then it will try to compensate using another sensor. If that fails then it will retard the igntiion, richen up the mixture, lower the boost pressure and if it thinks it still cannot opertate safely then it will go into Limp Home Mode and keep the CEL permantly on until the faulty component is fixed or replaced.

is this clear enough or am i making it worse


Looking out for a laser dot on the wall >>

All that knowledge, and you couldnt put a nut in a monkeys mooth!!face-icon-small-wink.gif


cheers for the info chaps

at the moment i am just in the door from a rarther good night out so things are still very fuzzy

dont think i shall be trying anything with the car the day, prob just make things worse, plus still over the limit face-icon-small-happy.gif

by the way wilky, the wing is lookin rarther nice , big thanks for that

will let you know how i get on

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