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I'm a new wee girl looking for help please !!!

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Well instead of trying to guess or acuse people wait and see.

Stop trying to jump to conclusions. The way you lot are going on its looking like female members arent welcome in the club. Give the poor lassie a break ffs!


FFS.................... at least 10 pages of drivell!!

No wonder people are leaving or thinking about it


If you are all that infatuated then get your lazy ar$es along to the meet and see for yourselves............last time i looked i thought this thread was asking for info about subarus!!


Hi, Im new......i want to buy a subaru......can you help me please? was the question

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Hello SHE'S back !! Oh my god what a load of nutters you are !! The PM's - although there are now I think about 107, this includes me replying PLUS some people sent me ermmmmm quite a few - well actually I had over 20 from one guy alone, so there ain't 107 people on the site PMing me !!!! face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Name and shame - well tbh all of the PM's were guys offering advice, so I wouldn't dream of naming them, they were only being helpful and friendly !!! :confused:

The he - she thing, well I'll just give you a wee clue I deffo aint a bloke face-icon-small-shocked.gif I was gonna put a picci on my avatar, but will keep you all guessing till after the meet !!!! (I'm getting a laugh out of all this !!)

No seriously tho - back to topic, I'm going to look at one in Kinrosss with my dad tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help, in more ways than one ( mum's in hospital just now) so you guys & girls have also managed to cheer me up a bit !!!!


Hi Imy - thanks for the welcome, I'm just trying to read through all the post just now and came across yours. it's nice to hear from another chick face-icon-small-wink.gif What are you driving? Are you going too the meet?


Just go buy one, you wont regret it. It does cost a bit extra to run over a normal car but worth it in the end.

At least it will hold its valve better than most other cars that you would loose a few grand on instantly.

Remember to include for modding costs as well even if you say you wont face-icon-small-smile.gif

I spend about an extra £50 a week on petrol taking my car insted of my girlfriends 1.8 stilo. Its worth it in smile factor.

Having clocked up arround 20000 miles in 7 and 1/2 months I am suprised I didnt get an invitation to the local shell garage christmas night out.

Get along to the meet next week and enjoy the banter.

If you aint wanting the PMs then switch it off.

Its easy for people to type pish at a computer but most wont be so talkative when you are standing infront of them.


<< most wont be so talkative when you are standing infront of them. >>


I have 3493 Pm's but tbh i dont think they all fancy me eitherface-icon-small-wink.gif im sure people are being genuine.....most of themface-icon-small-happy.gif

Maybe will see you at the meet and finally get to see what you look like. i havent thought about anything else all weekface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-blush.gif

what to do


Morning folks ......... I've had too re- register, had problems logging onto my account, I've e-mailed admin to try and fix the prob anyone waiting on reply's I'm sorry I haven't got your PM's until I can log on face-icon-small-sad.gif

Update about my search - didn't get to Kinross yest, my mum is ill in hospital and wasn't very well yest, so we put the trip off. face-icon-small-sad.gif I'm still scanning the net tho, and quite a few peeps on here are looking out for me face-icon-small-smile.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif

I'll keep you all posted on any progress before meeting you at the meet !! face-icon-small-smile.gif

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