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Edin/Lothians meet Wednesday 18th January *note date change*

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<< fast-bits-chloe-again >>

You haven't forgotten your password already have you Chloe? face-icon-small-shocked.gif Shame you can't make it tonight, but I'm sure we'll all get to meet you at some point.





<< fast-bits-chloe-again >>

You haven't forgotten your password already have you Chloe? face-icon-small-shocked.gif Shame you can't make it tonight, but I'm sure we'll all get to meet you at some point.


Dave >>

Nearly right but not quite about the password, it's a long story !! face-icon-small-blush.gif I had to re-register so I could log on. Admin tried to sort the problem out for me cos I know I had a couple of PM's that were waiting on me that I hadn't opened. However I even managed to bomboozle admin and I can't access my account. I've PM'd Sharon about tonight, and to anyone else who PM'd me and I never got a reply, now you know why ...... face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif


Winston is a figment of Gumball's imagination, in pictorial form anyway. Some japing funster has registered the name now and is posting as winston.

Is anyone else as impressed at how well Gumball draws in paint?

Don't think I can make it tonight. I've been trying to shift a cough and a cold for nearly a month now and something I done on Monday has aggrovated it and I'm back to square one again.


<< I've PM'd Sharon about tonight, and to anyone else who PM'd me and I never got a reply, now you know why ...... face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif >>

I'm definitely going to have to go tonight now - I'm too intrigued not to !!! (plus I've got some eggs to pick up - hadn't forgotten Andy face-icon-small-wink.gif )


<< .....and something I done on Monday has aggrovated it and I'm back to square one again. >>

Don't know you well enough to make the obvious comment to that one, but I'm sure someone will (Winston - where are you???) face-icon-small-wink.gif



<< .....and something I done on Monday has aggrovated it and I'm back to square one again. >>

Don't know you well enough to make the obvious comment to that one, but I'm sure someone will (Winston - where are you???) face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

Now you've got me intrigued !!! face-icon-small-wink.gif




<< I've PM'd Sharon about tonight, and to anyone else who PM'd me and I never got a reply, now you know why ...... face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif >>

I'm definitely going to have to go tonight now - I'm too intrigued not to !!! (plus I've got some eggs to pick up - hadn't forgotten Andy face-icon-small-wink.gif ) >>

Good man Dave. Seems that your the only one in here that knows a bargain when they see it. face-icon-small-sad.gif

See you all tonight in the manky b road bomber face-icon-small-wink.gif



<< But watch oot for Gus- he has no sense of direction at all. face-icon-small-tongue.gif


Me get lost!?! Never, just like driving the scoob further than I have tooface-icon-small-tongue.gif >>

I beg to differ lol

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