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Thanks for keeping us ,who couldn't attend tonights meet ,informed , it is appreciated face-icon-small-smile.gif

Unfortunately , as anyone who knows me knows , I work Sundays . . . so I can't make the Yorkhill day face-icon-small-sad.gif.

But I'm up for the Lothian day ,if anyone can give me a heads-up on time place etc . Post or PM please .

Billyboy , what about a delegation from our side heading through to support the "Edinburgers" ?

'cos I'm sure some of them will travel through to support the "Weegies"

Please keep me informed 'cos I'd like to do my bit here . . .


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Just to let you all know the lothians run is taking part on SUNDAY 11th at 10.00am in Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh.

Hoping to have all the regulars come along to both the santa cruises to represent SIDC.

Thank you for your continued support.



I didn't realise both were same day face-icon-small-sad.gif

I can't attend either in that case face-icon-small-sad.gif

Let me know how I can donate monies or pressies , it is better than me doing nothing .



I'll do the Edinburger one! Spooks will you let us know details of where we are meeting etc @ next Wednesdays Lothians meeting!? A wee SENSIBLE run oot afterwards per chance? face-icon-small-wink.gif

Lothians List:

1) Spooks

2) Gus the Bus


1. Billyboy,Jean and ally

2. WRC NO1 and The mad burd

3. Chrissy and Karps

4. Del and Carole

5. ED-209

6. Del Seevers

7. Grasshopper

8. Big Andy and Wee Andy

Keep the names coming in another 12 spaces to fill




I have spoken to a few people today regarding the santa cruise and have established the following-

1. who do we give the presents too?

2. where will the meeting point be?

3. what kind of present is reasonably expected?

4. you cannot give money?

5. are there going to be enough pressies for all the kids?

6. is the parking going to work?

7. are the police going to give us a hard time?

8. what is santa cruise about for the newbies amongst us?

9. is it only members or can forum users take part?

10. how long will the day be?

11. Why have the 4 people been decided upon as people would like to see the reaction of the kids when they get their thought out


I think i have mentioned that as it stands i wont be able to attend, and am postin on behalf of some people who are keen to attend but dont really understand what this is all about.

personally i can see the 4 people issue casuing dramas. would it not be better to draw the four names out of a hat on completion of the list?

just a thought.face-icon-small-smile.gif


Gumball in reply to some of your questions

1. who do we give the presents too? Presents this year are being kept by the people who bought them if you do not want to keep the presents in your possession i will gladly arrange to get them off you that is not a problem. So if anyone has presents please pm me or billy

2. where will the meeting point be? Still to be decided but perhaps Asda at Bishopbriggs again

3. what kind of present is reasonably expected? Any presents except soft toys as long as you label your presents when wrapped boy or girl and age range for

4. you cannot give money? Money is not a good idea. Donating money is going to be next years goal

5. are there going to be enough pressies for all the kids? Yeh there will be more than enough for every child in Yorkhill at Christmas

6. is the parking going to work? Parking worked fine last year so it will work again this year Yorkhill is big

7. are the police going to give us a hard time? No spoke to them today they are fine and very glad we informed them as they would have found it really strange with all the scoobys about

8. what is santa cruise about for the newbies amongst us? Santa cruise is about helping the unfortunate at Xmas

9. is it only members or can forum users take part? Ask An RO

10. how long will the day be? Day will be as long as you want it to be, Del is arranging a run before hand but some Glasgow members are going through to Edinburgh to help them first then going to Yorkhill so its up to you what you do on the day

11. Why have the 4 people been decided upon as people would like to see the reaction of the kids when they get their thought out

pressie? Yorkhill specified only 4 people in the ward as the kids in Yorkhill are really ill at the time and to bombard them with a lot of people could be too much for the kids.

As for the four people going up Well billy is going cos he is the RO and organiser of Scotlands Santa Cruise, Karps because he is Scooby santa, Carole because Ayr have gave Yorkhill a lot of effort again this year and me because i was asked by Yorkhill to take the pictures again this and the pictures will also be in true grip and press


can i just say that Gumball did bring up a couple of good questions there - which where answered BUT not everyone can make EVERY meet Billyboy. as the saying goes you cannot please everyone, i know for myself and ally as the glasgow meets are now our "local", we cannot make any of them, reason being ally works every thursday night! so we rely on the threads being updated with the news for the meets.

As i wasn't a member last year so i didn't know much about the cruise, i.e meeting points, what actually happens on the day etc - maybe Gumball was just pointing out the obvious for us "newbies" face-icon-small-smile.gif


This sort of rubbish is what is making myself and no doubt many others lose interest in the Scoob Community.

I have enjoyed a few years of scooby ownership and the friends i have made but all this nonsense lately just make you think twice about renewing memberships.

Constant bickering and arguments for arguments sake is not what its all about for some folk but for others it is.


<< This sort of rubbish is what is making myself and no doubt many others lose interest in the Scoob Community.

I have enjoyed a few years of scooby ownership and the friends i have made but all this nonsense lately just make you think twice about renewing memberships.

Constant bickering and arguments for arguments sake is not what its all about for some folk but for others it is. >>




Regarding the Edinburgh Cruise I have yet to have final details with the exception that I have a Santa face-icon-small-happy.gif If he still wants the gig anyhoo face-icon-small-wink.gif

Click here for the final meeting for the Edin Cruise. Spoke to Billy this eve and he was bringing me up to speed on his details so once I have my details I willl post them.



Relevant points have been again raised but keep it calm people.

Could organisers confirm re. the 4 people entering the ward please?

My understanding that due to obvious security a minimum amount of people would be allowed in accompanied by official staff. Any more that that would require police checks etc?


I don't care who goes in to the ward .

I don't care who attends (I can't)

I don't care who cares !


I've spent a few days in hospital recently , and it is a miserable and lonely experiance ,

the staff try their utmost to keep everyones chin-up , but it is still daunting and scarey . . . . . . . . and I'm 40 . . . . how do the kids feel ?

All I want is to see our contribution brighten the kids time over Christmas ,when they are ill ,and in a strange place ,without their usual chums . Its no-nice face-icon-small-sad.gif

I'm new to this , so if I'm talking out of turn ... tell me .

Lets just get on with it and stop being petty .

Sorry to rant face-icon-small-blush.gif



Ally has hit the nail on the head - It's not about how many go in (would be nice if more could), etc. It is about the children and the fact we are there to brighten up their Christmas!

I am sure Gumball had only the best intentions with ref to his questions and his would no doubt hold the childrens happiness above all other things. He is really a decent guy once you get to know himface-icon-small-tongue.gif

Let's just settle down here, chill out a little and remember the reason this is being done........... THE CHILDREN



Stop the calming action Russ, Im enjoying this! Its better than River City. face-icon-small-wink.gif

Wires are getting crossed.

1. We all have the visits best interests at heart.

2. No one doubts the authenticity of the reason certain parties were invited to attend the ward. A question was asked and answered, no more no less.

3. Some people are better at projecting ideas when in a position of responsability than others. Those that it doesnt come easy to have to work really hard at it. Billy is there to be the Collimation point, but its all our jobs to help him push the same cart up the same hill. Not create a drama foe him, this is just a case of good intention being misconstrued.

4. Billy and Scoobay have my phone number if anyone needs any presents collected.

Callum W Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland


i was only asking. thanks claire for the response. helps the newbies

1. Billyboy,Jean and ally

2. WRC NO1 and The mad burd

3. Chrissy and Karps

4. Del and Carole

5. ED-209

6. Del Seevers

7. Grasshopper

8. Big Andy and Wee Andy

Keep the names coming in another 12 spaces to fill


The original thread topic isnt there anymore so can you post the details needed to get this going?

IE the first pst again, times, numbers, agenda etc?

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