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No-one from on here i hope.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bloody hell! - I though tthe HSE had safety sewn up in the North Sea. Still goes to show that this is still a dangerous industryface-icon-small-sad.gif

Hope we can all learn from this tragedy.

Russell ( no longer working offshore in UK, India is the place for me!)

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Danger will always be a harsh reality offshore. What anyone working offshore can do is to try and learn from these terribly unfortunate incidents. Anyone who has been offshore before may have yawned through the helicopter video in the departure gate or the OIMs brief upon arrival but it all counts for something. It may sound crazy but only two trips ago my OIM said something during our brief that could have had a direct impact on this incident.

The North Everest is a small installation with approximately 50 persons on board at any time. On such a close knit platform it's not suprising to hear that the place is in a state of shock. Like you say Russ, they thought they had HSE sewn up and had an excellent record to prove this. I heavily doubt they would have become complacent and it goes to show just how alert we all have to be.

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