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How Many miles to a Tank?

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Now that is mapped, on the motorway i can easily get 170 miles to half a tank, rarely gets below half a tank before refills.

Along a good back road i can easily swallow half a tank in about 30 or 40 miles.



<< Right, I get 220 miles to a full tank of petrol(about £40)


you towing a caravan or something??????

i used to get just over 200 miles in my classic wrx (47l tank) and that was with 100 miles back road blasting then a steady 75 - 80 on the motorway.

i think you are probably just driving it thinking you are in a turbo i.e bit of a lead right foot!!!



<< you towing a caravan or something?????? you are probably just driving it thinking you are in a turbo i.e bit of a lead right foot!!! >>

LOL no not towing anything. face-icon-small-happy.gif

But think you may be right wi the lead foot thing...............

Just cannot help myself tho. face-icon-small-wink.gif

I would be as well wi a turbo then for all the difference it would make.


I think it really depends on how you drive. When i have taken trips down to England to the folks place which is about 200 ish miles away i have managed as little as £25 for the journey which involves half twisting roads and half motorways. However recently when i was feeling a little more 'spirited' when driving up i managed to use £40+ over the 200 miles!!

So depends on the driving i think, if you have a heavy right foot then expect loads of petrol to be guzzled!! However i find gentle acceleration up to a similar top speed gives better fuel consumption.

Mainly though owning a 2 litre turbo'd car you just have to expect and accept high fuel consuption face-icon-small-wink.gif .... but hell i would never trade the scooby for anything else.


I'm not really sure what mpg i get but i do seem to get through quite a lot of optimax, i went to blackpool a couple of months ago and it was a full tank down and a full tank back up about £45 each way.

I dont drive fast i just like to make progressface-icon-small-wink.gif


I get about 220miles per tank.

How does ANDYJDMSTI get 300miles??

Do you always drive downhillface-icon-small-wink.gif

Or is Rubythescooby towing youface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


<< is Rubythescooby towing youface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif >>

LMAO face-icon-small-happy.gif

That's what it is, am not towing a caravan, its ANDYJDMSTI behind me. lol

Maybe i should try really hard and see how many miles i get to a tank. That would be a challenge!



I've seen how Sharon drives, and she's lucky to get as much out of a tank as she does.

Foot to the floor until the engine bounces off the rev limiter, then its time to change gear. Good fun though eh!

It's just as well you don't drive a turbo Sharon, or you'd be down to a single figure mpg. face-icon-small-happy.gif

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