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HELP! How do i get locking wheel nuts off - with no key?!

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You beat me to it Higgy, making a new key from a suitably sized socket is the best way to get that style of locking bolt out. Get it a good tight fit and carefully hammer it in. The hammering should help to loosen it slightly too.

Done this many a time, before you jump to any conclusions my old man runs a garage and is forever having to get these off customers cars when they loose the key or when tyre centres have over tighten them and the old key breaks trying to undo them.



phone a breakdown club if your in one....we use special tool to remove them in a couple of mins....most garages that do breakdown or recovery work should be able to help if you pop it round to them..



BIG thanx to everyone who's replied to this thread with advice 23_30_114.gif

Sorry for not replying before face-icon-small-blush.gif We tried all weekend to remove the f##kin nuts, but no joy. Then i was in hospital on Monday, just for day case surgery, so was taking it easy today.

Still no success tho folks! face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Have tried all the hammering on things suggestions.

The tool for removing that a few people mentioned - thats the one i bought originally and doesnt work on my wheels!

I didnt want a welding torch near the wheels either, cos dont want to damage the paint/laquer (wheels werent originally that colour face-icon-small-wink.gif).

Had been wanting the new discs on at the weekend so i could get them bedded in before Knockhill on Sunday. I'll be taking it easy now this week, so wont be driving Mr Scooby anyway, so even if we found a miracle answer it would be too late for the discs, so they'll have to wait until after Knockhill anyway.

Looking like i'll have to send the key away and get another one face-icon-small-sad.gif! Unless anyone has a light bulb appear over their head after track time at Knockhill on Sunday (altho i still have to drive 150 miles home afterwards, so i would have to have the wheels still on please!)

Dorkin - there is a 3 digit code on the side of the key (which i cant remember at present, and is out in the locked garage, inside my locked car - and i aint going outside!). I'll have a look at it 2morr and let u know what it is. Does urs have the same?

Once again, thanx everybody for trying to help. 36_1_13.gif 36_1_11.gif

At least i discovered that the fkn locking wheel nuts work!!!





Dunno if you've already said, but what sort of wheels do you have?

Some wheels don't have much room, others do.

You have enough room to get a welder to the nut's, without damaging the rim....trust me, i know. face-icon-small-wink.gif


Try and find a piece of pipe that slips over the centre part of the 'nut' Then using a hacksaw cut two 'teeth ' onto the end of the pipe. This may require a bit of trimming and filing until the teeth engage in the slots of the 'nut' Then it may be possible to by gripping the pipe with a stilson wrench (or similar) to remove the nuts. If your really struggling I could possibly machine a bar for the same purpose. I'll be at Knockhill on Sunday.


Did you try making a new key from a socket? Its pretty easy and will save a load of time/hassel just use the thinest cutting disc you can find and keep trimming till it fits, with a hammer!!

Where abouts are you? If you wanted to come down to my neck of the woods i'lll make one for you?



<< Did you try making a new key from a socket? Its pretty easy and will save a load of time/hassel just use the thinest cutting disc you can find and keep trimming till it fits, with a hammer!!

Where abouts are you? If you wanted to come down to my neck of the woods i'lll make one for you?

Kenny >>

She's from Inverness Kenny.A wee bit too far from the Clyde.face-icon-small-wink.gif

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