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Caption Competition

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<< OK everyone let's have a bit of fun, no prizes but give it your best go >>

Im going straight to hell for this one:

Shrek is saying whilst rubbing furiously with his hands - , 'I know we are on the beach, but I didn't expect to get crabs so quickly'


Or Granby, 'I don't care how much they have had to drink, - I hate parties and i'm not joining the end of that conga-line behind us'.

Or Shrek: 'So where did you drop my car keys????'

Or best of all:

Granby has just said to Shrek: - 'Y'know something?, Womens topless beach volley ball, takes some great hand -to-eye co-ordination.'

To which Shrek is just replying: - ' Yes and playing it is probably harder!'' face-icon-small-shocked.gif

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