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Do understand that some people have children....

quiet sure that the rwyb post was put on more than a week ago, and the guilford cruise was put up with more than a weeks notice.

just feel that every one likes to moan about the lack of organisation but no one does naff all about it!

It is such a great buzz to drive somewhere with a convoy of subarus around you.

Dont like to keep saying the same things but im sad and have nothing better to do at the mo!

The summers here so lets enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys and girls, it seems to me that as a new guy, there is a little unrest in the camp, I have only been to one meet (SBO) the convoy thing was a hoot, I would like to say that so far I have been made to feel welcome, and am willing to help or do more if you require( Dean - as offered at the SBO).

From what I see you are all human beings, instead of all sitting down rationally and discussing this over a nice cup of tea, it all gets heated and people say it in a way to personal manner, well that is the real world, I think the intentions are good if a little hidden, so hows about this for a thought!

Next meet bring a uk map plot where everyone lives and then alocate groups in the areas to find a meeting point, then rotate the meetings - simple and the people show how much it bothers them because they do the work not Pele.

A small tip from the top - Pele get the others so busy doing things they dont notice what you are doing, all you need to do is chase people for the progress, if none of them can be arsed thats up to them.

I live near Brighton, and I thought the pleasure of having a scoob was to drive it.

Personally I wanted to find like minded addicts who want to share their knowledge, wisdom and tall stories, KS seem a nice crowd so far, and I think effort needs to go both ways, you only get out what you put in.

As to idea's for group events:

Tenpin bowling - always good for a laugh

Lasertag - doesnt hurt like paintball

how about five aside footy - release some aggresion there

If you want to be really perverse what about doing some charity work for a local school - maybe clearing up their gardens or something

Alternately if you want to have a laugh and try something different I have a buddy who does corporate entertainment and I could talk him into doing some stuff where we get to know each other better (and it will all be above board)

Just a couple of thoughts, but if you dont post no one knows who you are? talkin of which something that might be useful is a list of names v SIDC IDs so when we meet up we actually know names ie Saturday I spent time with Granby and only found out his first name was Ian about an Hour before we left.

Mark AKA Harry


Having read all the above, I think I should be allowed to give both my thoughts and tell the story of ?Kent Scoobies.?

When I got my second Scooby in early 2002, there was already a regular daytime Sunday Lunch Kent meet in a pub near Sevenoaks. (By all means do a search in Scoobynet under Southern Events/Pre2003 and you should find all the details).

Having two very young children, a job requiring travel and no time at weekends, (thankfully left that job now!) I could not attend and decided to organise a more local meet (to me). After chatting with people like Arron I arranged a simple a evening meeting in the Formula One bar at a time of the month (3rd Friday) that did not clash with the Sevenoaks meet.

That was the first time, I met the original ?others? like Pele & Lee, RB5Scott, Arron, Moles Dad, Megastream, AndT2000, GBruce, and GTB.

Unfortunately, the much liked, Moles Dad died of a sudden heart attack later that year. As a mark of respect to the family we missed a months meeting out , - as it clashed with the funeral and we then missed the chance to organise any Xmas bash. I personaly felt it the right thing to do.

The following month, I was working away on Business without email access and unable to post either a meeting or to email attendees, but Pele and Hades took the initiative to put up a post for the next meet.

Pele and Hades, with my blessing due to business commitments, then took it in turns to arrange future meets, using my original mail list as a base.

Bearing in mind that it was still just a regular ?Maidstone and District? meet at this time

It was Pele (and Lee) who came up with the Kent Scoobies name,

registered the web address,

organised a Birthday celebration in August of 2003,

stickers and T Shirts.

(Hades himself having moved away from the area.)

Calling Kent Scoobies a ?Formal? club is actually a great compliment to them all, considering it all started as an informal meeting of owners I cobbled together from scouring the 'was it you' pages for references to Kent areas. Medway, Maidstone, Gillingham, M20, M2 etc...


However, it takes more time than one person has, to make such a proper club work. A lot of car clubs I have been a member of have formal steering committees, with membership fees, ID numbers and treasurers/chairpersons etc..

If that is what it takes, then that could be accommodated, but that means the people organising things have to agree to being that ?formally? involved.

We have come closer to it, with Scoobytoo, being a surrogate events Co-ordinator. Now we need others to step up to the plate for either individual events or to completely own and organise things like T-Shirts, on behalf of all.

I can think of some good candidates for some of these, based on either commitment and association with the group over a period of time. But it certainly isn?t down to me, to say if that is the way to go. I laid the seeds in the M&D meet, I wasn?t around to cultivate them into the KS!

I know we would all like to compare ourselves to the ESC (But without the Bling ;p), but lets face it. We don?t have as many members, a mecca venue like Southend, to attract people, 2 or 3 specialist tuners in the county or their group structure. All that helps!

And Lasertag gets my vote too!


Now we need others to step up to the plate for either individual events or to completely own and organise things like T-Shirts, on behalf of all.

here is a very good and well priced company that can do the polo shirts, CHECKMATE DESIGNS. i have just had my order of just 8 polo shirts turn up. a £25 set up fee is charged for the embroidery, then only £10 per shirt. some companys have a min order of 200 . these didnt!

phone number 01795 580822


I already have a company that does the shirts & I've paid the fee for the logo to be set up to these people. I now need people to be willing to pay for their poloshirts up front - this was the problem last time, people wanted to see them before they paid for them & I ended up paying for them then having the hasstle of chasing everyone for the money.

I am sorting out the price list with them at the moment - price depends on how many are ordered....


hi pele as a thought, have you got a sample of their work for us to see friday, maybe we might be able to get an idea of no's up, also start a thread maybe with a piccy face-icon-small-cool.gif


I'll dig the pics out & start a thread, although prices are not sorted yet - you can have names on the back & the prices will include this & kentscoobies on the sleeve...


Hey guys,

Another thought for you all, and please treasure them as they don't come often for me, how about some sort of skid pan driving or driver improvement days, so we can all learn more about our cars and how to handle the performance thats hidden under the bonnet. I can only relate to my bike ( a honda c90 in case you are not sure) and I did a course with the police for advanced riding, and they taught me loads about me and my bike, and thats when I went there and I already knew it all......

If there is interest I could start to look into it, just need the go ahead from the big wigs, there must be stuff out there that we can hook into.

Oh I saw mention of stickers are there any Kent Scooby ones available cos I WANT ONE............. pretty please, as even though I haven't been here long I would be proud to wear the badge, or my car would ...oh you know what I mean, dammit.


PS my other car is an R1


<< I already have a company that does the shirts & I've paid the fee for the logo to be set up to these people. I now need people to be willing to pay for their poloshirts up front - this was the problem last time, people wanted to see them before they paid for them & I ended up paying for them then having the hasstle of chasing everyone for the money.

I am sorting out the price list with them at the moment - price depends on how many are ordered.... >>

are people that tight with there money? as a club member, i would be expected to pay up to £20 for each shirt, as a club we should all want to have one. pele please stick my name down on the list for a cheap as chips polo shirt. thank you. face-icon-small-wink.gif


I think people were just reluctant to part with money until they saw what they were getting, or thought I was going to do a runner with the money.... face-icon-small-wink.gif I'm looking into something a little different to the run of the mill polo shirts now.... so watch the forum face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< I think people were just reluctant to part with money until they saw what they were getting, or thought I was going to do a runner with the money.... face-icon-small-wink.gif I'm looking into something a little different to the run of the mill polo shirts now.... so watch the forum face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

This amazes me that people were not willing to pay upfront & then you had to chase them for the money when the shirts were ready, well at least you know what to do next time (no money no shirt), oh well you live and learn i suppose face-icon-small-cool.gif



I can have a B.B.Q. at mine in september.

bowling sounds good

a few more cruises would be good

I'd like to do the manx scoobyfest but dont think it's a possiblity this year.

SOME DAYS IT'S JUST NOT WORTH CHEWING THRU THE RESTRAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!face-icon-small-happy.gif


I think it would be great fun to go bowling for the day, or even meeting up somewhere and having a BBQ. I have not thought of anything at present but, when an idea pops in to my head I let you all know straight away.

Can anyone tell me how much the t-shirts are for the club please?



Maybe if we had a run out on club nights e.g. laker rd ,canvey island.I enjoy running in convoy & enjoyed the first meet when we went down to laker rd although didn't enjoy getting lost,we could meet at the usual time then leave the wharf at say 10:30 . I heard a while back that there was some street racing somewhere,is that still going on?

SOME DAYS IT'S JUST NOT WORTH CHEWING THROUGH THE RESTRAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!face-icon-small-happy.gif


Hi Pele, think your doing a grand job face-icon-small-smile.gif

Like the idea about Go-karting. Would Buckmore Park (Maidstone & Medway) be a suitable venue ?

A track day @ Brands would certainly be great.


Thanks Sime face-icon-small-wink.gif

The problem with karting at Buckmore park was that they wanted a 50% deposit on booking - unless anyone knows where they let you pay when you turn up - I have a brochure for Buckmore park so I can make some more enquires.....

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