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A quote from a well known performance car mag:

"Readers living in Scotland may have to watch their back as local police are targeting non-standard exhausts.Even though a system might meet all emission standards,Fixed Penalty Notices have been served if an increase in noise is registered.

One understandably angry Subaru owner has even had his PPP exhaust declared ILLEGAL"

Whatever Next



Well I would see them in court for one, dam law and rules are as clear as mud on these exhausts.

If that was the case the companies making them should have been put out of business for selling illegal goods!


This is up here in Inverness.

The Police have been booking people over having"Illegal" exhausts for over a year now but they pulled & booked a PPP WRX (02 ithink) seems the guy booked is good friends with a few bods at Prodrive & asks them why his PPP exhaust is "Illegal" ??? Subaru took up the case. Have not heard any more on it though.


whatever next....they cause hassle for innocent people who like getting enjoyment from their cars, rather than catching real criminals, its a disgraceface-icon-small-mad.gif

rant overface-icon-small-wink.gif


<< I can vouch for that face-icon-small-sad.gif Dont get me started tho! If it aint the standard exhaust the car was manufactured with - it's illegal in their eyes face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-disgusted.gif >>

Well I would take it to court, police trying it on by the sounds of it.

I would want to know how the hell can they think of doing you for the above, the cars exhaust is a consumable item on a car. It will require changing, after that point its not an original manufactured exhaust, also the likes of Subaru contract out parts to other companies to make money from design/patents rather than on the items production.

So that means that any exhaust other than the one provided by Subaru garage is illegal, so that means all the motor garages including the big chains are selling illegal exhausts.

So when are the police going to shut down these suppliers of illegal goods? dont they do this to conterfit stalls in markets and to drug dealers?

Also if the exhaust meets noise level requirements its within the law in that respect.

Sometime the police are so jumped up face-icon-small-frown.gif



<< I can vouch for that face-icon-small-sad.gif Dont get me started tho! If it aint the standard exhaust the car was manufactured with - it's illegal in their eyes face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-disgusted.gif >>

Well I would take it to court, police trying it on by the sounds of it.

I would want to know how the hell can they think of doing you for the above, the cars exhaust is a consumable item on a car. It will require changing, after that point its not an original manufactured exhaust, also the likes of Subaru contract out parts to other companies to make money from design/patents rather than on the items production.

So that means that any exhaust other than the one provided by Subaru garage is illegal, so that means all the motor garages including the big chains are selling illegal exhausts.

So when are the police going to shut down these suppliers of illegal goods? dont they do this to conterfit stalls in markets and to drug dealers?

Also if the exhaust meets noise level requirements its within the law in that respect.

Sometime the police are so jumped up face-icon-small-frown.gif >>

Miss Scooby did & she won the case face-icon-small-happy.gif Thats why she said "Don't get me started" lot of time & bother!


<< Miss Scooby did & she won the case face-icon-small-happy.gif Thats why she said "Don't get me started" lot of time & bother! >>

....And solicitors fees face-icon-small-sad.gif

But, as Gee said, I WON, NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!face-icon-small-tongue.gif


so miss scooby did you actually end up out of pocket ??? im sorry for my legal ignorance but ill be going up your way soon and im already getting paranoid about the local cops.



<< so miss scooby did you actually end up out of pocket ??? im sorry for my legal ignorance but ill be going up your way soon and im already getting paranoid about the local cops.

thanks >>

No need to be worried really just don't drive round town like a tw*t especially at night when the boyracers are out. It's in the town people are getting pulled. Never had any bother of them myself (fingers crossed face-icon-small-wink.gif) & Gumball mines putting out 320 through Prodrive exhaust to face-icon-small-smile.gif

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