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Edin/Lothians meet Friday 17th June

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Thanks Pete,

I thought the meeting went well although I could have done without the phone calls and texts.

Thanks to Scott etc for the content, very informative and good to see the club taking an interest in local charities.

Glad to put some faces to names even though I'll probably forgot your names next time I see you.

Already handed out 5 fliers, 1 to a guy round the corner from me that was already in the club so I've made another local mate.


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Damn fine meet people

Good to meet a few new and old faces in what must be the worlds largest Brewers Fayre

Started to panic a wee bit when IckleRose and myself were separated from the main party in the transfer from the west wing to the Scooby lounge. All was well when Rose heard Spooks laughing in the distance.

Dont know where you guys were heading when we left at chucking out time but the A1 was left. Being a stranger in a strange land, i could not take any chances and bugged out to the left

ImprezaPete and ScoobyAndy, the 2 of you know what to do and i expect a full resume on my desk...face-icon-small-smile.gif

Who was the guy driving the 450bhp Skyline, oh yeah it was me........albiet in the car park of said Brewers Fayre but if Stiks had not requested to have a look at said 450bhp R33 Skyline's engine then that straight out the front of the BF was lookng damn tempting. What a god damn machine, even at idle it sounds HUBBA HUBBA

On a side note.....Filled the car at Paisley and burned just over 1/4 of a tank from Paisley to Musselburgh and back to Paisley.......Is this a record getting over 100 miles to a quarter of a tank....face-icon-small-smile.gif

Grant and Imy


Cheers Pete!

Excellent evening. Was great to meet up and put faces to the names.

Cant wait to do it again.

Oh yeh and to the three of you who blasted off down the motorway leaving me at 55mph thanks face-icon-small-tongue.gif cheers gordy for stopping to let me catch up!


M ahead still hurts .... never drinking with Johnny the fish again face-icon-small-frown.gif

Great to meet up with East Lothian crew... and men from Engalnd ( well Berwick).

Imy - your cheque's in the post face-icon-small-wink.gif

Hope i didn't buy a skyline off a guy in a pub car park in Longniddry face-icon-small-shocked.gif



hi peeps,

was defo nice to catch up with you lot!

sorry i had to blast off so soon, catch you again next timeface-icon-small-wink.gif

going to get stuck into the beers next time tho.

take it easy.


T'was indeed good to meet you all again, and see a few new faces. I should have introduced myself on my arrival, but I felt a bit guilty wandering in 3 hours late as it was, so didn't want to make a big fuss about it !!

Anyway, I'm Dave, and I'm a scoobyholic.... :-)

To answer the 'where were you going' question, we were heading down to Longniddry to drop Johnny off, and check if any pubs were still open.

See you all at the next one when I'll hopefully arrive in a slightly more timely manner !

Cheers all!



<< Hope i didn't buy a skyline off a guy in a pub car park in Longniddry face-icon-small-shocked.gif >>

Yep, you are now the proud owner of an R33 Skyline - congratulations. If you just pop the deeds for the house in the post and let me know the best time to pick up the wife, I'll get the paperwork sorted out at this end for you.





Was it nice to meet me too????? face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Awright then, ah wisnae there face-icon-small-sad.gif. I was working in sunny Rhu on the West coast, getting eaten by midgies and entertaining the masses...sort of. face-icon-small-blush.gif

Anyway, see you guys at the Blaeberry meet shortly!!

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif


Hey guys.

Nice to see you all there on Friday night well nearly all of you..... Brian what sort of excuse is that????

good to see some new faces too and some old ones

hope to see you all again very soon


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