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Hey troops

After much deliberation, coffee and harrassment of Dave at CarArtz we have our choice of logos for the Scottish Scoobies Merchandise..

The Clothing will have SIDC logo along with New Scottish Scoobies one and a personalisation of your choice.

The logos have the go ahead from all Scottish Regional Organisers and the Chairman face-icon-small-happy.gif

Please vote for your favourite one so the final decision can be made - you know what us women are like - can't make up our minds face-icon-small-wink.gif

As soon as we have the logo we can make up clothing samples and banner and flags can go into production....


Gayle and Imy






REASON FOR EDIT - To make it sticky at the top of the SS forum face-icon-small-wink.gif

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it took a bit of work (and flirtation face-icon-small-wink.gif ) but we managed to convince CarArtz to come up with these 2 Scottish Scoobies logos.

We are hoping that which ever one is the most popular, that will be the one going on our merchandise and will be the emblem for SIDC's Scottish Scoobies.

Gayle and I are meeting the clothing manufacturing person on Monday, so votes are needed by sunday night (24 April 05).

Hope you troops like it, give us your comments/feedback.

Imy and Gayle


both look nice but the yellow text put me off the first one.

if i had a choice then i would have left out the gradient on the second one but im a boring fart sometimes.

well done gangface-icon-small-wink.gif


Looking good Ladies, Logo 2 for me. Looks a wee bit classier and you now I'm a classy guyface-icon-small-tongue.gif

Keep up the good work and hurray up this is the start of show seasonface-icon-small-disgusted.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif



Thanks face-icon-small-wink.gif

When the troops have decided on one - you can use it wherever you want just let me know what format you prefer face-icon-small-happy.gif

Pink clothing is being considered face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


Logo number 2 for me too.

I'm probably being overly anal, but it would be good if all of the 'SCOTTISH SCOOBIES' bit was on the upper part of the logo. It reads a wee bit like :

"www.s cottishscoobie s.co.uk"

to me, if you know what I mean!! That would perhaps mean a slightly bigger gap between the "uk" and the "www" which I think might be good too. If I'm too late and no-one agrees, I don't mind. Just thought I'd throw my tuppence in!

Excellent work though, and way better than anything I could produce, so well done and thanks girls. face-icon-small-smile.gif


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