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Knockhill Today. Top Banana!!

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First off a big thanks to JohnS and his crew for organising another stonking trackevent.

Superb day and the Sun shining as well. Some very nice machines on the go, although a bit dis-appointed that I didn't see the Ultimas getting a roasting. Heard them often enough, just never came across them on track apart from the one pointing the wrong way at the hairpin  face-icon-small-blush.gif  The Skyline was very impressive and extremely fast.

Cannot wait until the new trackday season. Rose...yer secrets safe with me face-icon-small-wink.gif Oh, and by the way. Can I have my door handle back please face-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

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Got to agree..

Best turn out of Scoobies I have seen at KH for a long time.

Some good track action from my point of veiw,as a spectatorface-icon-small-blush.gif

Good to see some new cars in the paddock for a change.

The day was only let down by the state of some of the driving I saw on the way homeface-icon-small-frown.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-frown.gif.....probably in a hurry to get home and play Colin McRae rally, cause thats all they were fit for!!


P.s any piccys??


Good day up at Knockhill today...makes a change!!

That R32 Skyline was one of the most impressive I've seen on a Hot Marques Night/Track day etc. I timed it at around 63 seconds for a lap.

The other impressive car was a P1, it lapped in the same time. It didn't look modded, didn't even seem to have the P1 backbox(just the STi jobby). Was it anyone on here??




Hi folks, i was up today getting photos for my site. was a great day and some excellent cars on the track much better than the usual dross you get. only bad point was my mates car breaking down on the way home, it looks like the car blew a coil pack.

anyway, i think i got some half decent pics for you lot to ohhh & ahhh at, i'll get em up asap.

if anyone needs photos or video footage hosted drop me an email at liam@urbanracing.co.uk




Yep terrifc day - although was only there for a couple of hours. Weather was excellent and some seriously nice machiney out on track.

There's a thread on WWW.Type-R-Scotland.com entitled another SIDC day at K/H - (I'd add a link but don't know how) - anyway one of the guys has added a link to his photobucket site and there are tons of photos on there - quite a few elises but quite a few Scoobies too.

BTW - Car of the day was that cracking G reg Audi Quattro - looked superb face-icon-small-cool.gif


Just back from the track day and the AGM.

What a fantastic day all round! The weather was great, the track was great and the people were great. Fantastic face-icon-small-cool.gif

The skyline was behind me coming up the straight holding pace with me until I moved over....... at which point he passed me like I was standing still! face-icon-small-shocked.gif Very, very quick car!

Great to meet Phil Stevens, top gent face-icon-small-smile.gif

The AGM was also cool, lots of very nice poeple making sure things run as smooth as they do. Keep up the good work face-icon-small-smile.gif

Roll on next season!


Apologies about having to leave early but I only just managed to make it for a few hours and see a few familiar faces.

The driving on the way to the event was spoiled by a twat in a yellow elise that thought it was clever to overtake my Mondeo plus a few others on a blind hill and had to force his way in between a couple of scoobs.

The P1 would have been Dave Morgan (kartman). Standard apart from a de-cat (??) but the boy can drive as I have seen the cheque!!!!!! face-icon-small-wink.gif

See you all soon. (I'll be on the Mondeo TDCi forums!!! face-icon-small-sad.gif ) face-icon-small-happy.gif


Fantastic day.

Kicking myself for not booking earlier, next time, maybe.

Usual excellant pax laps in the bare footed maniac (Tut) type R powered Elise.

But extra special praise for Big Don in the 350 Z, balls of steel or just plain mad! Kartman probably got the best view of the high speed spin after Clarks (I think)

This Bloke has good photies


Top day out at Knockhill

Only saw about 10 mins of track action which i didn't mind as i spent all day gabbing away

Excellent weather

Highlight was the pax ride in the Merc at the Little Thief ................ Devlin your a lucky boy

Good to meet a few more new faces and MissScoobySTI you know what to do next!



Well the pics are now online at www.urbanracing.co.uk under events. had a great day except when my coilpack gave up on the way home. Shame but still a great day!


Only on for 2mins :-

Great day .............. never paxxed as I was getting footage @ the hairpin. Too late to book to get on track face-icon-small-sad.gif

I will post some vids up of :-

face-icon-small-smile.gif 350z

face-icon-small-smile.gif EVO Jkp with flames !!!

face-icon-small-smile.gif the Ultima on fire !!!

face-icon-small-smile.gifTHAT mental skyline

face-icon-small-smile.gif any other thing I find of interest




If you have any footage of a blue sti8 with a front splitter on it I'd appreciate a look face-icon-small-wink.gif

[edit]the green wagon and red classic as well face-icon-small-wink.gif


Does anybody know the guy who was in this Evo

As i chased him down the road going to knockhill. Just wondering how much he was giving it!


Yeah I know Mike. He wouldn't have been goin that hard as he kept waiting for us ( three others to catch up) Didn't want to stuff it before it was hammered on the track, as the geometry was on twitchy setting. Although at one point he did set off on maximum attack, just outside Tulliallan and again about three miles from KH.

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