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Good luck Cret

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Aww shucks, cheers dudes! face-icon-small-happy.gif

Have to try and resist the usual Friday night temptations of drink & women seeing as the start is 9am Saturday.

Aiming to make it as far as Peel and hoping to beat 7.5 hours with it (only because my brother will never let it lie if I don't!).

I'm not looking forward to the last 12.5 miles of it but I have a cunning plan to motivate a finish, which will involve someone waiting every 2 or 3 miles apart for the last 7 or 8 miles from the finish with a cold beer for me! If I know there's one of those waiting then pain, suffering & the lack of ability to take another step will hopefully go out the window! face-icon-small-wink.gif

I'm fully intending being there on Sunday, you just might see me doing a lot of sitting down and moving very slowly when I move at all! face-icon-small-confused.gif

Oh yeah, anyone who spots me along the course I'll expect a good toot on the horn and a wave! face-icon-small-smile.gif


Good luck Jim!!

Good plan with those beers mate! perhaps if theres a couple of vodkas every mile or so too you will be able to *walk thru the pain barrier* j/k

Hope to c u on sunday!


Good luck Cret

I'm sure you'll do well. Just make sure you make the bbq coz I know you like your cheeeeeessseee burgers and If your lucky, maaaaaammmmmaaa might just bring ya'll some sugar plum piiiieeeeee....lol

Good luckface-icon-small-smile.gif


Cheers everyone. Looking forward to it but not looking forward to it at the same time!

<< Good luck Cret

I'm sure you'll do well. Just make sure you make the bbq coz I know you like your cheeeeeessseee burgers and If your lucky, maaaaaammmmmaaa might just bring ya'll some sugar plum piiiieeeeee....lol

Good luckface-icon-small-smile.gif >>

[Roger Moore accent mode] Sounds like an offer I can't refuse! [/Roger Moore accent mode] face-icon-small-happy.gif


A$$ wiggling? Didn't realise you'd been watching me quite that closely!

I might have to run when I get near chez Boxer! face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


Bloody hell I'm knackered!!

7 hours 59 minutes and 50 something seconds to do the 32.5 miles to peel!!

My feet are a mess but I'm glad I did it. face-icon-small-smile.gif


Cheers Dave. Just went past you heading towards peel actually but was in my mum's peewee little 106.

I'm hopefully still going up North tomorrow, but if anyone takes the piss out of my John Wayne style walking there'll be trouble! I won't be able to catch them but I'll bide my time...... face-icon-small-wink.gif


Cheers mate. Where were you though?face-icon-small-wink.gif

Have a feeling you might have been driving off towards Ballasalla just as I was getting down* near yours.

*And I don't mean 'gettin down'! face-icon-small-happy.gif

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