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Latest project! Forester Turbo S!

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Before I start I want to point out I had no intention taking on another project at the moment. My wifes big birthday is next month, I have a holiday coming up, I already have a project car I havent finished (Nissan Cube Z11 if anyone is interested?) and I dont have the time/space/storage.

But I am a car nut with a soft spot for scoobys and if I didnt buy it it would be 'recycled'! Announcing.....

KFC Livingston

The Forester! Its a 1999 Turbo S auto so it has a big sunroof....

Silver Subaru Forester T646RMX

leather interior and very basic satnav...

Primative satnav! Basic but accurate

1st problem was it was in Landan and Delux's global headquarters are in Scotland. Its MOT'd until 27th April so had to sort out temp insurance and tax it for a month. Quick chat with easyjet and we were on our way...

Suitably dressed for roadtrip!

Cobham services, M25

Cobham services M25

Lining up for Englands version of the Nurburgring, the M6 toll..

Motorway shot

Keele services M6

Keele services M6

Tebay services

Tebay services M6


Home! Made it nearly 500 miles without any issues!

It does look rough but it drives great!

1st mission is to get it through an MOT, sort oil leaks and give it a good service.

In the next installment the initial assesment takes place. Can Delux and an entourage of nosey, dismissive dealership mechanics find anything wrong with it? Er, yeah, just a bit!


So, how bad is it? Not that bad!

Yes, that is the tip of my finger...

Underside (and my finger!)


Underside  Silver Subaru Forester SF S-turbo Automatic T646RMX Nancy roadtrip

Saggy bushes

Rear trailing arm front bushes causing cars 'saggy arse'

Cannonball damage in wheelarch...

Better get the welder out! OSR wheelarch

Turret requires further inspection...

Suspect rear turret

Cam seal or rocker gasket? Both go on the 'to do' list...

Leaking rocker cover as usual!

Transmission probably due a cleanout and new filter...

Automatic transmission

These are the easy bits. Bit trickier...

If I can get a decent rear bumper I may fit reversing sensors...

Urgh! Previous owners attempt to restyle rear bumper

Need a new one but could only find U.S. spec ones so far...

Nearside sidelight requires Algae eater fish!

Not convinced aerodynamic modification actually helps. Planning on putting this back to standard...

Non standard grille mounting

For a criminally cheap 'save from scrap' car I think I got off lightly. These issues are ones I have seen on nicer, newer Foresters. The worst thing about the car is the way it looks!

So whats the plan?

I have a few things to put right on the Cube and get it thru an MOT then its up for sale. That has to get priority as I have space for 3 cars but currently have 4 cars!

After that I'll do the service/MOT stuff on the Forester. On last years MOT there were advisories for corrosion on the rear subframe, front wishbones etc. They are all solid so a clean and repaint should do them.

If I can find a decent rear bumper before I finish all that I think its worth sorting the rust/dents on the rest and having the wheels redone. 'Concrete effect' wheels have yet to become popular.

If I go down that route I'll be looking for decent money for it. Its not that I am greedy, I'm just bad for overdoing it and overspending fixing things no-one else would bother their arse over.

If I cant find a good bumper it will be up for sale as is, working on the principal whoever buys it is gonna chuck it about offroad and bump into things anyway! LOL!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

So, Nissan Cube more or less finished so have to get the Forester mobile!

Starting was a bit of an issue, expected flat battery but even with a jump it resisted.

Waiting for new garage door!

After pulling it out I realised the fuel pump wasnt making a noise. A swift couple of kicks to the fuel tank and it roared and screetched into life!

Quick test revealed live and earth reaching fuel pump but no pumping!

Testing failed fuel pump

Not sure there are supposed to be pine needles in there. So, off to the shops...

The parts fairy has been!

Roger Clark for the Oil and filter (and cool screw on funnel!) and timing belt kit and uprated fuel pump kit.

ICP for the other bits.

Random ebay sellers for sparky plugs and wipers.

ICP didnt have the right rocker cover set (and probably wont have it until December) so might have to wait/fit cheapy/call local dealer

In the meantime, plenty to go on with! Pics to follow when I've done something...

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Garage suddenly looks much smaller...

Garage suddenly looks smaller!

Fuel pump noise strangely absent when trying to start car, checks revealed lazy fuel pump. The only place for lazy fuel pumps is the bin..

RCM uprated fuel pump kit

Off to Roger Clarks with piggy bank and...

RCM uprated fuel pump kit

Old Vs new...

RCM uprated fuel pump kit

Make sure everything is surgically clean before refitting. Try not to bend fuel sensor. Fit gasket to tank rather than hold it in place on the plate.

Fuel pump fixed!

Dah nah! Starts 1st turn of the key!


In other news, started the service and had a bit more of a detailed poke about.

Spark plugs looked old but servicable.

Spark plug replacement

Replaced the air and fuel filters too. As I had some parts removed I stuck them in the dishwasher...

Cleaned engine parts

Its a small thing but made under the bonnet look far better. Please dont let Mrs. Delux know I know how to use the dishwasher!

Cleaned and refitted washer bottle

Assessed the decay at the rear. OSR wheel arch is a desperate and depressing place to be...

OSR wheelarch front hole Wheelarch hole OSR OSR suspension turret requires attention

All fixable though. Seen worse on newer cars!

NSR far better, requiring a good clean and repaint...

NSR suspension turret much better

Looks like it will take less time to remove the rear bumper than I thought!

Rear bumper removal may be easier than I thought!

More updates soon!

  • 3 weeks later...

Been in the garage again.

Sidelight sorted

Forester sidelight replaced

Things needed sorted in the engine bay

Timing belt to be replaced

Water pump, timing belt/rollers/tensioner, cam and crank oil seals replaced

EJ205 timing belt and oil seal replacements

Those eagle eyed anoraks will have spotted my timing belt marks are 'Subaru Garnet red'! Next on the list, leaky rocker covers

EJ205 Clean for 100,000 mile engine right cylinder head

Was amazed how clean inside was considering car was very cheap and has done 100,000 miles!

Resealed and painted rocker cover

Looks a bit more slick now! While spending on all my hard earned cash on parts I bought a breather Y piece. Its a bit that should be changed during servicing (although I dont think many people do!) Given the cars oil leaks I figured it could be a good preventative measure! It sits between the manifold and intercooler

Old breather

and looks like that

Old breather out

So, new one advertised as


Engine Codes: All
Chassis Codes: all
Years: Universal'

Does it?


New breather

No! I could live with that, no-one knows everything and it is only a breather so with a bit of messing about with spare pipe I can get it fitted. The problem was, my oafishness and the cars age worked against me and I broke the breather outlet of the turbo intake pipe. Probably the worst pipe I could break in this area!

Broken pipe

Which as many of you know, means taking the inlet manifold off to change!

Ever start a little job only to see it spiral into a rebuild

Cant help but think the depressed looking front end is developing a bit of a snigger!

Depressed Forester now has a bit of a smirk!



Usually it's just the PCV Valve that needs replacing.....

The original PCV  Y pipe connector you show below  is part number 11821AA460.

Screenshot 2024-10-27 173201.jpg

ICP  states that it is no longer made but seems available from various outlets in Japan.

The "new" one you show below

Screenshot 2024-10-27 173223.jpg

is the US version which has the PCV valve in the actual connector (the metal part) and not in the manifold.

The PCV valve fitted to your Forester is p/n:11810AA000 and screws into the manifold just below the throttle body.

Screenshot 2024-10-27 173526.jpg


The three hoses that make up the complete Y pipe assembly are :

Screenshot 2024-10-27 174924.jpg




All seem readily available.



Yeah, found that one after I'd removed the manifold!

Ordered one of those from ICP.

To be honest, given my trail of distruction, I'm glad I didnt try fitting one to my Impreza! 😀

  • 2 weeks later...


So, thats the PCV breather valve the Don mentioned. Relatively cheap from ICP and looks easier to change than the easy to break T piece I was messing about with. Its worth the hassle if you have had to sort out the usual oil leaks like I had to.

Breather valve screws into rear of inlet manifold

and thats it all back together. 2nd hand intake pipe from Japperformanceparts

Broken pipe replaced

Gave me the opportunity to clean the oxidisation/dirt/Lichen from the inlet manifold...

Inlet manifold refitted


Looks far better!

More soon from the lower depths of the Subaru ownership spectrum!

  • 4 weeks later...

Been a bit too busy recently but the Forester started to develop a negative attitude towards starting.

I had previously changed the fuel pump as a boot to the fuel tank seemed to revive it but the car began taking exception to this treatment!

Didnt have the correct wiring diagram so got a rough idea from the impreza one...

Fuel pump wiring

Live from relay wasnt reaching the pump but was coming out the relay...

Fuel pump relay Fuel pump wiring

At a guess, given the cars vintage I would have checked from the pump forward but all my tools were at the front and it was too cold to fu...mess about so I checked at plug R1 in the drivers kick panel, and....no power!

Break i wiring causing starting issue

Probably the least exciting pic on the whole website but this little bend i the wire caused by a cable tie was the cause of the problem! Being a smart alec fully equipped mechanic I pulled the wiring out, removed the offending wire, made a new one up with some nice new connectors and taped it up nice. Bloody wire!

Was in such a good mood I treated it to a wash!

Treated to a wash!

Anyway, coming up to Christmas/my big annual holiday/shifting toolbox to latest contract so Forester is back to staring at the back of the lock up door until January.


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  • 3 months later...


Holiday/Christmas/moving to new contract done so back to work on the Forester.

Rear suspension needs cleaned up, bushes, brakes and shock absorbers need changed. Oh, and some welding!

Things got off to a good start...

Good start!

'This towbar wiring may contain outdated opinions and may cause offense...'

This towbar wiring may contain outdated wiring that may cause offence!

Most of the dirt and rust you see here will be in my hair/lungs/eyes before the Forester is on the road again!

Most of the dirt and rust will be in my hair and eyes by the time the car is finished

Then things started to look up! Anyone recognise this bolt?

Rear lower suspension bolt

... both sides came out without any hassle/swearing/oxy acetylene/WD40!

Underneath that mud is the rear subframe!

Underneath all that mud and rust is the rear subframe. Its rusty but appears solid.

Underneath that mud is the rear subframe!

Wire brush and angle grinder ready to go! In other news, the rear turrets were better than I thought...

Rear turret. Have seen far worse on newer cars!

The hole is pretty accessible and the turret its self is pretty solid...

Rear turret. Have seen far worse on newer cars!

More soon unless Mrs. Delux finds something for me to do!

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This week I 'ave mostly been welding...

Holes filled!

...before anyone says a word, remember I am a mechanic with a welder. So all you proper welders and panelbeaters keep your sniggers to yourself! I have feelings just like a real human!

Next week hopefully some suspension progress.

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Took rear suspension stuff to work for dismantling. Tooled up with an angle grinder and blowtorch I got stuck in...

Dismantled rear suspension ready for reconditioning

Surprisingly, everything unbolted without hassle. Only had to cut 2 bolts up (and one was a 12mm holding the ABS sensor wire!) which would usually be great news if I hadnt already bought a pile of new bolts from Import car parts! D'oh!

Got stuck into removing the old bushes, some easier than others

Old suspension bushes ready to be fitted to the bin!

Got a big pile of suspension parts to clean up and paint. A monotonous task so next update to follow when I'm finished

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