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Rolling Road Day 17Th August For Yorkhill Sick Kids Hospital

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Not too sure if this should have gone into the events section but I suppose it can be moved if thought necessary.

A few years ago I attended a rolling road day at hypertech at bonnybridge which I think may have been organised by bobbyc but may be wrong on that front. Can't exactly remember the setup if it was for charity etc but it was a fantastic day and there were scoobs as well as a skyline and some other cars. I just wondered if people would be interested in having another one? Could even have a sidc vs ss.net competition and open it up to them and even the rs owners club. We could chose a charity that the proceeds go to.

I don't mind contacting the relevant company to see of they would be interested if someone can give me appropriate details.

So what does everyone think


Edited by mctwistuk
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must have been a different 1 a guy brought 2 gtr`s a white 1 and a r34 black 1 that was all carbon fibre

Just spoke to my other half and she said there was a white gtr there. So must have been same one.

Would be good to get another one organised even having a wee club battle to keep it interesting.

Is hypertech only rolling road or is there somewhere else?


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Chris, Duncan offered to run a rolling road day for us last year ( for Santa Cruise) I had hoped to take him up on the offer but ran out of time to organise a suitable date. :blush:

Hopefully the offer will still be there ;)

Cheers gus. Hopefully my email will start the ball rolling.


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Got an email from Duncan and he has agreed to host the rolling road day. Max number is 30 on the dyno and minimum is 10. It will cost £40 a head and he will sort out a raffle for members of maybe whiteline goodies or something. It can only be a Saturday so are we all up for this? Should we open up to ss.net and RS owners club or just keep to ourselves? Does anyone have a charity in mind?



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come on guys. Lets get your names down for this. Should be a good day out and a wee bit of friendly competition between clubs. Doesn't have to be big power cars. Standard cars are good. I am going to put mine on to see how it looks before and after a remap i think.

It is all for a good cause.

You don't want the good name of the sidc to be shot down in flames when the guys on ss.net win or even the guys on the rs owners club.


Edited by mctwistuk
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Im up for a blast at this. Espesh if its a sat, finish work at 11am though so hopefully its an afternoon slot.

There is a thread in the events section mate. I will add your name. Need a deposit of £20 before end of may. You can PayPal me it. I will pm you my details.


P.s. afternoon slot shouldn't be a problem

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