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Number plates

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New style number plates for motor vehicles will be introduced in the Isle of Man, from September 1st.

Tynwald unanimously approved an order, from the Department of Transport, which will ensure the Island complies with the latest British standard.

Among other things the new style plates will have bigger letters and numbers, and hyphens between the sets of characters.

They will also have a larger "three-legs" emblem.

Transport Minister John Shimmin told members the aim was to make it easier to enforce road traffic law.

All vehicles registered from September the first must have the new style plates.


I was about to say that really sucks, but at least its only new cars..

I still think we should be able to have whatever kind of reg we want, providing of course that it's legible etc face-icon-small-happy.gif


Technically NO Jon,

They are only allowed on vehicles registered before March 1989 (ish)

So all the new cars with black an silver are pulled in the roadside checks at xmas, but opther than that the boys in blue are to busy.

BUT, should you be stopped and done for anything else, that would probably be included!!

Ta Ta


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