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Posted (edited)

In the mood for ranting today, so here's my starter for ten:

  • Drivers who park closer up the side of your car than necessary.
  • The evil cousin of the above, the careless munter who opens his/her car door onto yours.
  • Cyclists who appear out of the blue in queuing traffic and pass within millimeters of your bodywork.
  • Comments from passers-by when you're washing your car to the effect of "you can do mine when you're finished!". Hardy. Hardy. Har.
  • Digital roadside signs that display useless information that does nothing more than distract drivers - they could at least flash jokes up there, or a weather forecast, or fitbaw scores (or even nikked wummins, if the technology's up to it?).
  • Gritters spraying the highways on dry evenings when it would be warm enough to take the bins oot in yer kekks.

Anything to add? The less obvious, the better :P

P.S. Let's no' get too heavy - wouldn't want it to turn into a 'haters' thread (I hate those) :)

Edited by Mystery Machine
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Drivers who park closer up the side of your car than necessary.

The evil cousin of the above, the careless munter who opens his/her car door onto yours.

Cyclists who appear out of the blue in queuing traffic and pass within millimeters of your bodywork.

Comments from passers-by when you're washing your car to the effect of "you can do mine when you're finished!". Hardy. Hardy. Har.

Digital roadside signs that display useless information that does nothing more than distract drivers - they could at least flash jokes up there, or a weather forecast, or fitbaw scores (or even nikked wummins, if the technology's up to it?).

Gritters spraying the highways on dry evenings when it would be warm enough to take the bins oot in yer kekks.

Folk who never indicate the direction they are going :P

Posted (edited)
.......probably just people who constantly moan about anything! :)

Ranting is a proven (and often entertaining) method of stress relief and as a Scotsman it is my duty to ensure that at least 50% of my verbal communications include a moan or gripe of some sort (75% for folks from Dundee). We're not Englanders - "mustn't grumble" is not part of our vocabulary*.

Complain away folks...

* let it be known that I have no general gripe about English peoples - canny bunch of lads, most of them :P

Edited by Mystery Machine
Folk who never indicate the direction they are going :)

That's the spirit :P

And what about those chumps who fail to cancel their indicators even after a mile of motorway traffic has passed them, lights a-flashing, horns a-tooting?

Posted (edited)
Now we're rolling, have to add phoney 'green' road tax to that too...

While we are on the "green" thing: protesters who protest at anything simply becasue they are associated with Greenpeace or an equally harmful/useless eco-warrior type body of nutters.

Edited by TheWelsho
protesters who protest at anything simply because they are associated with Greenpeace or an equally harmful/useless eco-warrior type body of nutters.

Almost as bad as that curious breed of low-brow vigilante that have emerged in the last decade or so, a bunch of whom got into trouble a while back for vandalising the home of some poor woman after discovering that she was an acting PEDIATRICIAN :P

On the Scooby theme:

  • Hawkeye tail lamps (much prefer the Bug/Blob items)


I'll add:

Almost any new legislation that is introduced to supposedly 'save lives'. Yes, that's a little emotional trick the government like to play on an unwary public when they're planning to:

- Raise taxes (road tax - environmentally friendly, green, saves lives).

- Add a new stealth tax (more speed cameras, saves lives).

- Strip you of your civil liberties or other consumer freedoms (smoking ban, minimum pricing for alcohol - saves lives).

- Invade your privacy (more CCTV, snooping on emails to identify 'terrorist networks', saves lives).

How about locking us in our houses and feeding us through our letterboxes? That could save thousands of lives!


Rear foglights on when its not foggy!!

Headlights pointing to the stars on main beam!!!

and after the past couple of test drives,potential customers who think they can drive....................................................................and can't!!!

Rant over


and after the past couple of test drives,potential customers who think they can drive....................................................................and can't!!!

You must have some stories to tell about that?


People that smoke.

People that let others breath said smoke.

People that smoke in a car full of kids [with or without windows up/down].

Pedestrians that press the button at a crossing then just cross the road anyway!

Motorists that race up the motorway & cut you up for the sake of a few spaces.


Fuel prices.

Road Tax prices.


2 Faced people that talk behind your back.

SLOW drivers 40 in a 60 brigade that brake for EVERY CORNER!!




Hatch exhausts

Idiots that drive with spotlights on!!

Speed Cameras.

Dour faced folk.


People that smoke.

People that let others breath said smoke.

People that smoke in a car full of kids [with or without windows up/down].

Pedestrians that press the button at a crossing then just cross the road anyway!

Motorists that race up the motorway & cut you up for the sake of a few spaces.


Fuel prices.

Road Tax prices.


2 Faced people that talk behind your back.

SLOW drivers 40 in a 60 brigade that brake for EVERY CORNER!!




Hatch exhausts

Idiots that drive with spotlights on!!

Speed Cameras.

Dour faced folk.


Just one or two things then Del :P Oh, and you forgot to add smokers :)

Posted (edited)

I didn't think you could get within 50 yards of a smoker these days even if you wanted to...

I gave up years ago... seldom bothered me since then, before the public smoking ban or after. If smoke ever came my way and I didn't like it, I'd usually exercise my own free will, discretion and self-preservation by erm... moving away from it :)

It's a radical idea, but evidently not for everyone :P

Edited by Mystery Machine
Posted (edited)

its hard to dodge smokers now that they're forced to smoke on the street

my list includes

- stupid commuters that get in my way when I get on/off the bus

- stupid commuters that talk so loudly on their mobile that its hard NOT to listen in to their conversation

- people that dont know how to use an umbrella and hold it at such an angle you just know you're going to walk into it

- the sudden increase of girls with fake blond hair, fake tan + heavy makeup

- the smell of cigarette ends burning each other in the ashtray-bit of bins

motoring ones include

- folk that don't queue at individual pumps in the petrol station but wait at the entrance, blocking me from getting into the station

- folk that sit at traffic lights with their foot on the brake. use the handbrake and stop blinding me with your rear brake lights

Edited by micra_wrc
Posted (edited)
People that smoke.

People that let others breath said smoke.

People that smoke in a car full of kids [with or without windows up/down].

Pedestrians that press the button at a crossing then just cross the road anyway!

Motorists that race up the motorway & cut you up for the sake of a few spaces.


Fuel prices.

Road Tax prices.


2 Faced people that talk behind your back.

SLOW drivers 40 in a 60 brigade that brake for EVERY CORNER!!




Hatch exhausts

Idiots that drive with spotlights on!!

Speed Cameras.

Dour faced folk.


Right now count to ten......... :thumbup: bet you feel better now lol

MM ... See what you have started :) you must have had a bad day?? I'm just heading out for a late night quick run LOL eases all stress :P

Edited by Midnight21

Dont mind smokers, if they want to turn their lungs into grey mush..... so be it, i see the results of smoking every day!!!

I do strongly detest breathing second hand smoke, if i can smell it, i am breathing it!!!

Last 3 weeks and 3 different jobs i have worked in peoples houses that smoked.

week 1 had one smoker [heavy]

week 2 had one smoker [heavy]

week 3 both smoked [chain smokers] that bad their lips were orange ffs

Should make smoking illegal period!!!


1) Chav lexus lights, hate these ba$+ard things with a passion!!

2) Doo gooders and PC poofters

3) Immigrants who want too change everything back to the sh!tholes they just left to get here

4) People who cant leave their mobile phones alone.......EVER! makes me want to rip it out of their hands and beat them about the head with it

5)The current government, by f.u.c.k they havent half screwed this country up...Big Time!

6) People who are too lazy too get off of their back sides and work, im fed up keeping the feckers living using my tax money

7) Current youths, No respect for anybody/anything ever!


Rip Off Fuel prices

Orkney islands Council

Rip off road tax

Northen Constabulary Police dep

road chippings

Folk who brake at every corner

folk who pull out in front of you then sit at 40 in a 60

people who sit at 40 in a 60


Back stabbers


Orkney weather


people who use others for they'r own gain

loud people

people who love them selfs

Farmers who leave inches of mud and poop on the roads and dont clean it up

Horses on the road (i dont think its safe)

the fact we have freedome in this country anymore and we have to pay every thing for the privilege

Whoa that feels better now.

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