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Glasgow Santa Cruise 2009

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Yes , it's that time of year again folks ;)

I mentioned to most folk I spoke to at last nights meet that it is time we got the ball-rolling for this years Santa Cruise.

We plan to follow the same idea as the past few years ...


1. Raise money via donation sheets , sticker sales etc

2. Purchase lots of toys and gifts with funds raised

3. Meet up with cars decked out in Christmas decorations - wee prize for best decorated car.

4. Convoy through city

5. Present gifts to hospital c/w Santa.

Ed-209 has kindly offered to produce Santa Cruise 2009 stickers/decals for the cars - Hopefuly we'll have these available to purchase at the next meet .

Robert (STIpretender) has the donation sheets which we'll make available as soon as we get date finalised. He also has a Santa suit :P (I'm awaiting reply from our other 'Santa' !)


We need a volunteer to make a few phone calls/emails to Yorkhill hospital to arrange a date and time and a call and letter to Strathclyde Police to let them know our intended route.

I normally do this part , but due to work and family commitments I won't be able to this year (I'm no longer allowed private calls , emails or internet at work. I'll also be in England on most of my days off as Ruths job has moved to Brum)

I have all the contact details from previous years and I'll pass them on to anyone who'll help .


If no-one volunteers to help with this , the event won't happen :P

I hope we can work together to make 2009s event as successful as previous years have been :)


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Ally, I had to leave early last night so didn't go into the Harvester with the rest of you.

I don't mind helping out with the phone calls / police etc.

Let me know and I will arrange collect all the contact details etc from last year.

Excellent :)

I'll PM the details to you , thanks.


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You beat me to it Peter !

I was going to ask you nicely over the weekend :P

You have done us proud and raised loads of money towards Santa Cruise (and other events) in previous years , so your offer for this year is very much appreciated :)



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