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September Monthly Meet - 20.09.09

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Posted (edited)

September meet will be at...

The Berkshire Arms

A4 Bath Road




1 - 3 PM


As last month, be great to see you there

Cheers, Kylie


Edited by smiley kylie
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I missed the August meet, twas my birthday and I was in no state that weekend to drive anywhere.

Will deffo be at the next one.... With more mods on my car <_<

Currently being installed and due back today :D we have:

Walbro fuel pump

Uprated injectors

Fuel pressure regulator

Exedy organic clutch

Quick shift conversion

Green Panel Filter

and Simon@Jolly Green down to install and map my new Simtek ecu. With the anti lag and launch control addons installed.

Next is a long sit down with the guys at Subaru4you to decide where to go with the engine, turbo and gearbox.

Currently thinking 2.5 shortblock with forged internals, MD555 rotated turbo, 5spd Uprated gearbox and diffs.

But this is all still a very rough draft of where I'm going next.

Sorry I missed the August meet, twas my birthday and I was in no state that weekend to drive anywhere.

Will deffo be at the next one.... With more mods on my car B)

Currently being installed and due back today :blush: we have:

Walbro fuel pump

Uprated injectors

Fuel pressure regulator

Exedy organic clutch

Quick shift conversion

Green Panel Filter

and Simon@Jolly Green down to install and map my new Simtek ecu. With the anti lag and launch control addons installed.

Next is a long sit down with the guys at Subaru4you to decide where to go with the engine, turbo and gearbox.

Currently thinking 2.5 shortblock with forged internals, MD555 rotated turbo, 5spd Uprated gearbox and diffs.

But this is all still a very rough draft of where I'm going next.

Happy belated birthday Tim ;)

Sounds like you have been a happy shopper, looking forward to seeing the improvements :)

BTW, say ello to Danny for me, i flashed him the other day down by Lidl , he looked a bit startled :blush::rotfl:

Catch u soon mate

Cheers, Kylie

hi. im a bit new to this. i have an impreza but never been to a meet or anything. is it open to anyone and what are the meets like

Absolutely open to everyone, and it would be great to see you there. We are a friendly bunch who all love our cars and meeting up once a month for a bit of a natter about anything and everything in a nice pub :lol:

so how many people/cars turn up. i havent done any mods to my car so will that put a few noses up

We have only been running the meets for a couple of months now, so numbers are still growing :lol:

As for anyone being sniffy about eachothers cars? - no way, not in Berkshire Scoobies mate! All equal, all welcome, all friends :P

Come along and see for yourself amigo :lol:


Nice to meet you all today. A big thank you to Kylie for organising this meet!

I enjoyed having a look around everyones cars, even the dodgey white one in the corner ;-) looking forward to seeing the pictures.

I followed a silver Impreza Turbo 2000 through Thatcham on the way back and asked the guy if he was interested in our meets to which he replied "It's just a car to me mate".....however, as I got a bit further through Thatcham I saw (and heard) a white classic wagon coming the opposite way turning right, I quickly pulled up net to him and passed him a leaflet through the window, he said "Ah, that's brilliant, thank you".

I put a leaflet under the wiper of a parked Blob Eye today too ;-) you never know!

I think we all have a few ideas after today so let's start putting them in to action and get this club moving! :-)

Thanks again!



Hi Guys.

Was good to meet up again and see some new faces. Nice to have a good chat and see various models of Scoobs.

Lets hope we can keep the numbers going in the right direction.

Cheers Andy


Hey, nice to meet you all, thanks. Lovely bunch of people with some great machinery.

Some good ideas discussed to make our group more widely known. Surely it just gets bigger and better from here!

That's a shame what the Turbo 2000 driver said. I guess he has no soul!

Here's a couple of pics from the meet...






What a top day that was yesterday, i laughed when i realised it was 5pm and we were still there :rotfl:

Its really beginning to feel like we have something good going now - so big thanks to everyone who was there and for those that couldnt make it, we will hopefully see you next time if not before B)

I took a photo or two myself and will get them up as soon as ive blanked the plates off :D

Berkshire scoobies has arrived! :thumbup:


Glad you had a good meet guys, Looking forward to seeing all the piccies.

I wish I could have made it along but one of my radiator hoses split which resulted in my car spitting out water all over the engine and overheating while emitting enough steam to make anyone think they were in an 80's rock video.... Quite scary at first but glad it's nothing too serious (fingers crossed!) I'm just glad it happened close to home.

It seems like every time there is any kind of a meet on my car pulls a sickie! I'll bring a doctors/mechanics note next time... :thumbup:

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