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Oxon Mini Meet!

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Hi guys,

Well, despite the rain, I'm still adamant that 'tis the season to be out and about blasting through the lanes in the sunshine so... we're going to have another mini meet!

We will be meeting at the usual spot - The Harvester in Kidlington at 11:30am and then rather than stopping for something to eat, we will be traveling in convoy through the lanes along past Finstock to Leafield where, for anyone who hasn't been lucky enough to go down there before, there's a fantastic single track road running up along the edge of Wychwood. We MAY stop half way down here for a few photos if the weather's nice! :thumbup:



From there we'll be taking the B4437 down into Burford with is a REALLY fun bit of road!


From there we will take the B4425 - a real favourite with bikers as it's a nice twisty road but with plenty of visibility! We'll be following that down to Bibury and stop there for a chance for everyone get some photos of the cars etc... nothing too set in stone, just a chance to take stock, catch up and maybe grab a drink etc


Previously I've suggested following the road down towards Cirencester and making a big loop but after a recce with Big 'D' I think parking up for some pics and cold one in Bibury before heading back up through the twisties to the A40 will make for a really enjoyable run!



Names on the list please! :crying:

01. Stu










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you pimp..thats what he means by new jobs ;):rotfl: ..

your a people smuggler.ain't you mr matt. :thumbup: . :D

the only reason he dont want to come is......................................................................

who would want to be seen in a bug eye :crying:;):P ...

hello mate :icon_fU:

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My GF would like to come, she has a Type R.................... but a Civic Type R, would that be a problem if there was one of these tagging along??



This is a family friendly club she is more than welcome no matter what she drives.

Cheers Iain

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Cheers chaps :thumbup: Sadly we cant make it this time :D but there is always next month, I'm a bit gutted but I have been seriously neglecting my other hobbies since I bought the car!!

Anyway the weather looks good so have a great blast chaps B)

Next time......


01. Stu

02. Big 'D'

03. AndyJudge

04. gc8-r







Edited by Mobius 1
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Did you not see the Honda Owners Club there :thumbup:

sorry to invade this thread, but i understand Bockett you have problem who i took to the uxbridge show so whats your problem then?.

As i cannot get on the Bucks Scooby Crew website i thought i would ask this question here.

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sorry to invade this thread, but i understand Bockett you have problem who i took to the uxbridge show so whats your problem then?.

As i cannot get on the Bucks Scooby Crew website i thought i would ask this question here.

If this is a serious personal question would am PM not have been better, please dont start a quarrel on here. I for one will not be happy.

Cheers Iain

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sorry to invade this thread, but i understand Bockett you have problem who i took to the uxbridge show so whats your problem then?.

As i cannot get on the Bucks Scooby Crew website i thought i would ask this question here.

Hang on a minute.

Firslty this is not the right place for this. Feel free to email me if you wish to discuss this matter bockett@yahoo.co.uk or be more tactful and PM me.

And i have no issues with who ever you took?

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If this is a serious personal question would am PM not have been better, please dont start a quarrel on here. I for one will not be happy.

Cheers Iain

sorry to you Iain and all the Oxon scoobies

i hate people sla**ing off other people and especially when it concerns myself and can not defend myself,

sorry again all

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