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Car Died This Morning - Any Ideas?

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Went out this morning to pick up a parcel.

5 minutes or so on the way and the check engine light came on ....just after the car just spluttered and cut out.

The car is starting again, but only stays ticking over for a short spell, lumpy idle and then cuts out again.

There is no power, I can put my foot down, but the car doesn't go anywhere

Haven't had a chance to look at it yet...had to beach it and get a lift to work.

Any thoughts?

I was thinking maybe an intercooler pipe had blown off....but the 'check engine' light seems a bit strange.




Did you give it some beans(full throttle)before the problem arised?

A popped intercooler hose would show that kind of issues that you are discribing.

Don't i wouldn't expect a hose to pop unless you have been giving it some unless the hose clip is pumped!

Either that its a maf or something!


Na, driving through traffic so pretty tame the whole way

It's been driving a bit 'rough' the last couple of times I've been out in it....kinda stalling/pausing mid acceleration


Ooo youv'e broken Adams Car !! Better break out the Skyline :D

Crank Position Sensor or MAF gets my vote, but I would have though MAF would just reduce power rather than none at all.

Does it have the single coil pack on the top of the engine? Maybe thats on its way out - intermittant sparking.



I've broken it....for the second time!

Should have just bloody taken the Navara....the only reason I took the Impreza was because it was facing the right way!!!

I've broken it....for the second time!

Should have just bloody taken the Navara....the only reason I took the Impreza was because it was facing the right way!!!

LOL, thats got to be the laziest thing I have ever heard :wub:

Well you are going to need to take the Navara now to recover the Scoob :D If you need a hand I am in Abz today

Ooo youv'e broken Adams Car !! Better break out the Skyline :D

Crank Position Sensor or MAF gets my vote, but I would have though MAF would just reduce power rather than none at all.

Does it have the single coil pack on the top of the engine? Maybe thats on its way out - intermittant sparking.


The car will not start if the signal from the Crank or Camshaft sensors is not seen by the ECU, if the MAF is not working the car will start but will idle very roughly, very poor throttle responce and will cut out alot. (simple test is to disconnect the MAF and start the car) if the idle is better it is pretty certain the MAF is at fault but the ECU fault check that I posted earlier is the best way of finding out what is wrong with your engine when the CEL comes on.

Cheers Iain


Thanks, I will check it out at lunchtime

Cheers for the offer Daz, got my sister coming down to give me a hand towing it home, won't be able to look at it properly until the weekend


Women eh!!

sounds like is running the same as it would without the AFM connected... seems a bit sudden for it to just die though, but maybe the hesitation/stutering you felt the other day was it starting to fail.

Still - Check the fault codes, see what it flashes up. Hope with it being a SARD ECU it'll still do it correctly!

Engine light wouldnt come on to warm you a boost pipe was away to fall off :D Be great if it did though!


It could be fecked, but would it really cause it not to start etc :S

I know it had a habit of fouling plugs when being used for short journeys/start - stops etc.... suggest disscontecting the ECU for a while, cleaning the AFM and fitting fresh or cleaned plugs :(

Do a google search on cleaning fouled plugs if you cant find suitable one this afternoon.

Woman :D


Just the one code.

Just cleaned the AFM (which was really manky) and it seems to be better (it revs when I press on the accelerator now)....still not 100% though i don't think

Just the one code.

Just cleaned the AFM (which was really manky) and it seems to be better (it revs when I press on the accelerator now)....still not 100% though i don't think

Try running it with the MAF unplugged though if it idles smoothly and revs better its your maf that is goosed, it certainly has the symptoms of a MAF failure, but it should throw up a check engine light ? :(

Cheers Iain

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