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Door Locked, Lights Out And Hiding Behind Sofa

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Thats what me and jac had to do when we got back from our wee jaunt today

Left from old inns up to blairgowrie, over to aberfeldy, killin, callender, aberfoyle then back to kirky.

Only on the A9 up to dunkeld then B roads all the way

what a run B) can't say i seen much scenery more a blurr ;)

and the road from callender over to loch Katerine then to aberfoyle B)B)B):D

great day out :)

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Mind the other road users though. That's where the supra got wiped out by a coach cutting one of the blind bends.

A painful experience!


Well anyone who cuts a BLIND bend is asking for everything they get!

You can make good progress without taking silly risks........too many people see the red mist and get blinkered.......smoothe and progressive is the way ahead!

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Well anyone who cuts a BLIND bend is asking for everything they get!

You can make good progress without taking silly risks........too many people see the red mist and get blinkered.......smoothe and progressive is the way ahead!

The way I read it, was that the coach was cutting the corner and the supra couldn't stop in time.

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Well anyone who cuts a BLIND bend is asking for everything they get!

You can make good progress without taking silly risks........too many people see the red mist and get blinkered.......smoothe and progressive is the way ahead!

Totally agree, although it was a spirited run we never took any risks or put any Sunday road users at risk.

It is sometimes the other road users who are a danger as i found out when i overtook 4 or 5 cars on a nice long straight, and the land rover in position two decided to overtake the slow car at the front, WITHOUT looking in his mirrors!!

Just managed to stop without going into the back of his landrover :)

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I was up the Trossachs this weekend too - some great roads out there :)

I "took it up the Duke's pass" a couple of months ago (oo-er missus), and I was very disappointed - the road surface was pitiful compared to previous trips I'd made across there. Certainly used to be a great road. Road surface aside, you really have to think in three dimensions when you're hooning it across there, on account of all the ups and downs and interesting cambers - Top Gear test track it is not :D

Had to dodge a coach yesterday myself. He was crossing the white line after coming around a bend - luckily there was an entrance to a farm road on my side of the road that I could pull into. Drivers of large vehicles don't seem to give a feck these days - "largest vehicle has the right of way" seems to be the zeitgeist... ;)

Edited by Mystery Machine
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We'll have to organise a run - a kick in the Trossachs.

That was the plan, we were doing a wee test to see the best route.

Thats coz you haven't put your glasses on Stupid!

Oh yes you'll need to do that again when i get my car back Mark.

Had the specs on, for a change.

OOh yes we will be doing it again.

Tut tut! Thought you were on your way to Crail when I saw you both - probably the first and last time I get to overtake 800bhp!

875bhp to be precice, anyway you cheated as we were going slow over the speed bumps and you had a motorbike.

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The way I read it, was that the coach was cutting the corner and the supra couldn't stop in time.

Exactly that. It was raining hard too so we were takign it easy. Still something like that blocks the road there really was no where to go. You can see the impact poitn on the road, a good 2ft on my side of the road with no where for us to go. He wasn't hanging back either and basically did it at a normal speed rather than a go slow to actually make it around the bend.


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The way I read it, was that the coach was cutting the corner and the supra couldn't stop in time.

I Misread it...........point still stands though!!

Am no Angel by any means, in the past i have done some (when i looked back on) stupid driving. I have noticed that since i have come out of owning an Impreza that my driving has somewhat become more relaxed and i do not feel the need to go "balls to the wall" everywhere.

I love Imprezas but i wonder if i got another one if i would revert back to "balls to the wall" mode??...........maybe it is the car itself that brings it out in you!

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I Misread it...........point still stands though!!

Am no Angel by any means, in the past i have done some (when i looked back on) stupid driving. I have noticed that since i have come out of owning an Impreza that my driving has somewhat become more relaxed and i do not feel the need to go "balls to the wall" everywhere.

I love Imprezas but i wonder if i got another one if i would revert back to "balls to the wall" mode??...........maybe it is the car itself that brings it out in you!

I usually have a baby in the back now, i certianly don't go "balls to the wall" anywhere. I drive quickly within the limits, do 30 or 40 when the limit is there and never drive silly in the wet.

I will open the car up on occasion but it will be on a nice remote road. Besides I have a bike for that heh (jestin)

I do agree though, no excuse for cutting a blind corner and wiping out my car.


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Briliant run on Sunday mate B)

Mark and i were doing a wee recky for a run we will be organising later on in the year.

Some great roads with breath tacking scenery.

Grant/Imy any pointers to run this would be much appreciated.


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I usually have a baby in the back now, i certianly don't go "balls to the wall" anywhere. I drive quickly within the limits, do 30 or 40 when the limit is there and never drive silly in the wet.

I will open the car up on occasion but it will be on a nice remote road. Besides I have a bike for that heh (jestin)

I do agree though, no excuse for cutting a blind corner and wiping out my car.


I take it the car is a write off?..........shame as i have always likes Supras. Atleast you did not have the little one onboard too.

Hope you get it all sorted out.

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I take it the car is a write off?..........shame as i have always likes Supras. Atleast you did not have the little one onboard too.

Hope you get it all sorted out.

It was a total gonner chap. Only happened at about t30mph but hit something like that and it isn't going to be good. Bonnet back through the windscreen and the lot. Engine block never moved though. with the wing peeled back you can see the massive girder holding the block in place. Well build cars!

At least it was a non fault claim, paid up in a matter of weeks. crash was 2nd December and i bought the Scooby as a replacement on Christmas Eve so if it hadn't have happened i wouldn't have been here!


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It was a total gonner chap. Only happened at about t30mph but hit something like that and it isn't going to be good. Bonnet back through the windscreen and the lot. Engine block never moved though. with the wing peeled back you can see the massive girder holding the block in place. Well build cars!

At least it was a non fault claim, paid up in a matter of weeks. crash was 2nd December and i bought the Scooby as a replacement on Christmas Eve so if it hadn't have happened i wouldn't have been here!


Well every cloud has a silver lining......what scooby did you get and how you finding it?

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Mystery Machine + Andy

Accident was two years ago now so been a fair while.

What i would say is the Supra was deceptive one a good road with how fast it could go. Mine had HKS suspension on it and had been lowered. Normally this would mean back jarring ride quality but the car just soaked them up while staying flat through the bends. It could certainly go for a big car. The WRX (wagon, standard suspension) certainly rolls a lot more.

The size was a good and bad thing. The WRX is huge really, well practical at least but never feels massive. The Supra felt like a big heavy bruiser. Great for touring, bit like a GT type thing. It was tricky int he wet though, foot down on a straight wet road would produce a rear end waggle as the tyres struggled to grip.

Also, totally impractical with that boot/back seats!

Afterwards the mrs said i had to get a practical vehicle "like an estate or something" so i turned up with a WRX wagon and we haven't looked back. That said i miss the Supra, just looked lovely from all angles.





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