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In A Quandry

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2 Jobs being advertised - both going to be well paid - lots of work and stress however 1 is in Bournemouth and the other Southampton which means we will have to move - do I apply ( dont really want to move ) but fantastic for career or do I wait and see what next year brings?

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no harm in applying ed.. if you get offered either of the jobs, go and see what they are about!

weigh up the pros and cons and go from there :lol:

kind of in the same position with job decision, but dont have the worry of having to move!


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he will be made redundant in a years time anyway - he has approached agencies in swindon already as he is fed up with the company - i would be lying if i said i would want to move as i have grown to enjoy swindon and i think the company he works for are just a ****ing piss taking bunch of ****ers who take, take, take and give nothing in return apart from a thank you now **** off!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, last night Ed decided to go for the position and so i updated his c.v so he had a better chance - It would be silly for him not to in the current suituation. We may have to move IF he gets the position and changes and sacrifies would need to be made but this was only the 1st hurdle of many.

Im behind him in whatever choice he makes however i feel............

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