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I'm Finally A Member!

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Hello All,

I have posted on here, way back in February when I bought my Impreza. I'm Mike, 19 from Didcot. You may remember me mention that I pay stupid insurance premiums and asked you all not to be prejudice because of my age! (I know the bad reputation some people my age give to Impreza owners, but I can assure you, I'm not one of them)

I've met Kaz (hope I've got your name right) and Phil @ Japfest, but the card machine wouldnt work for my membership!

After attending the McRae Gathering at the weekend, I've decided that I want to be a part of the Subaru community, rather than just a driver! What a day, just blew me away. Was quite an emotional one after seeing Richard and Colin's cars in the Prodrive Heritage centre (which is my 3rd visit to the heritage centre!)

I've uploaded some of my pics from the weekend, sorry they are pretty poor and pretty much revolve around my Impreza, but what the heck! I've also circled my car in the "R", only car to have to boot open I believe, thats my claim to fame! haha!

I can't wait to meet you all!













P.S Am I right in thinking there is some merchandice available for Oxon Scoob owner?


Michael Jenkins, Didcot

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Hi Michael

Firstly a big OSC welcome to the SIDC :D

You will recieve no problems regarding your age unless provoked but I am sure that wont happen, we usually meet at a pub called Sturdys Castle in kidlington on the last Sunday of every month, that should be the case for this month I will put a thread up later regarding the meet, I also plan to have a go-kart day in Swindon early October (interest permitting). You are more than welcome to attend, I look forward to meeting you.

Cheers for now


I am sure the others will be along to welcome you soon ;)

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Thanks guys,

Yeah emoe, I might do a front end facelift anyway with a new style bonnet so I'll hold fire on that for now, I was looking at one from HT Autos, but I do prefer the facelift, not that I'm trying to make it something it's not, id just feel happier looking at it! ha!

Matty, no I diddn't que for the burgers, would have been there all day! and, no I used to drive a Ford Focus before this, also got a little 205 at the moment that im preping for forest rallies.



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