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What If No One Turns Up Next Weekend...

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well i'll most certainly be there,i think i've told everyone i know to watch the TV news bullitins that weekend because this is going to be MASSIVE!!!!!!!.....i was thinking about getting those white marker pens that car salesmen use for writing prices on their cars,then i could write my name on the roof for the SKY news chopper!!! :lol:

Me too lol :D:lol:

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Dammit you guys.. I'm usually in bed by 9pm (I know way too early but got early starts) but cannae sleep thinkin about the McRae Gathering :P .. Is this how it's going to be for the next 10 days... Eeep!

yip a lot of people are going to be as excited as a kid on xmas eve for the next 10 days or 9 sleeps.......depends how your counting it down i guess :D:lol::lol:

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well i'll most certainly be there,i think i've told everyone i know to watch the TV news bullitins that weekend because this is going to be MASSIVE!!!!!!!.....i was thinking about getting those white marker pens that car salesmen use for writing prices on their cars,then i could write my name on the roof for the SKY news chopper!!! :lol:


ive got a welsh flag ready to put on mine. :lol:

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Well, the panic thing, was completely irrational, but to be expected, its just a bit of the jitters...

Its gonna be fine!!!!!!!! :lol:

I just wished I could be there... Looking less likely by the day... and things, if they weren't going wrong before, they REALLY are now... :lol:

oh, which reminds me, I have a certain Goat to touch about that... :ph34r:

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I am so excited about this event that I am struggling to sleep at night...

..im even crossing off the days on the calender, which is something I haven't done since I was a kid (Not that long ago). lol

I will be doing the full run and will be arriving in Lanark on the Friday and really look forward to meeting everyone. :lol:

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Tell me! We've not been this excited about something for ages!!

Husband has even been and bought his own scoob so he can drive in the convoy too :lol: (and yes, i've got two stickers :lol: )

Have also roped in one of the girls from work to stand on the bridge J2M42 to take photo's of us all :D

This is going to be one amazing event - thank you to all of the organisers for all of their hard work

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Imy, next time you have a negative thought, just imagine what your going to feel like when 1, then 2, then 3, then ... a couple of hundred scoobies rumble through Lanark. Imagine again if you will, a few hundred scoobies rumbling into Charnock Richards ... then Banbury, then Warwick. Then think ... I helped put this together and :D

What you guys have done is simply amazing. So amazing that it'll be immortalised as a world record - unlikely to be broken IMHO !!

A great tribute to a great man all in aid of some great charities organised by some great folks.

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Think of the options - we are all asked to chip a donation in to the memorial funds - a few do, but most don't bother and a feeble tribute to a great man would hardly be noticed.

Alternatively - a few of you folk think of a great idea and then work your socks off to make it happen!

I vote for option 2 - don't worry, there will be a few turn up :D

See you at Prodrive - I'll be the one in a scooby

Cheers, David

P.S. just downloaded by participants pack - that really makes the event become real <_<

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Just thought I'd congratulate everyone that has been involved organising the McRae Gathering as its one big event and its going to be one never to forget.

Unfortunately wont be taking part but reading all the news etc I really do wish I had a scooby to take part.

I hope to be at Lanark though to see everyone leaving and with the camera at the ready.

All the best everyone and enjoy the run to Prodrive and I will be thinking about you all.

Dougie C

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