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Pastrana's Tribute To Colin Mcrae At X-games 14

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Just watched the video it had me in tears again. Aint it funny how you never really know just how much somone means to you until there not there anymore. Last year in september we lost our hero Colin and 3 months later i lost my best friend Karen Aim (The lass who was murderd in Newzeland) and i have to say there both never off my mind but i do think of the happy times like Colin winning the Championship and Karens big smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts and that cheers me up :icon_salut:

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Good man.

I remember the day that I found out about it, I just froze... I didn't really know what to think, as a kid I always watched the WRC just to see Colin race... I didn't care too much about the other drivers I was just in awe of how relaxed and fluid his driving was.

Two of my heros were taken well before their time... but i'm happy that his legend lives on and i'll do everything I can to be at the gathering.

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