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Help Needed - Contact Details For Shell Pr People

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I'm calling on the SS network to see if anyone has a senior contact for Shell's marketing, PR, media, community involvement people?

I've had a look at their website and cant find the details I need.

Plus we made contact ages ago but have not heard anything from them.

I've not got time to mess about being passed from dept to dept, I need a contact now.

Wanting to approach them re sponsoring the McRae Gathering - I've got some problems that needs money to fix it and we cannot afford to pay it from the funds we've raised.

Figured its the least they can do, given the recent press release of their profits, since we are a core group of V Power customers.


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We hit them for the Coast Rode stuff. Apparently they tend not to do stuff like this anyway. I know someone in central area had an arrangement with them for the Richard Burns tour and they pulled out at the last minute. BP were the latest to get a big serve on the PR front thanks to profits, might be worth trying them for the BP race fuel sponsorship....


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My wee cousin works with the marketing side of shell. Will try and get hold of her today and see if she can point us in the right direction as to senior direct contact numbers. Hopefully i can get hold of her!!

Cheers Joe

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