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<< LOL!

Yep Dave is our biatch face-icon-small-wink.gif

Doesn't have to wear a skirt dude, just required to give the Bank Manager one now and again to keep him sweet lol face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

ROFPMSL face-icon-small-smile.gif I hear all secretaries are up for it face-icon-small-wink.gif


Dude! Don?t apologise mate! You?re doing me a favour! Besides, I?ll still have to meddle with that rad anyway before it goes in.

Nick ? mine had sprung a leak from the drivers side end tank. It was really p1ssing out and you couldn?t go more than a couple of miles from cold engine before it?d start overheating.

The bizarre thing was that I drove 12 miles on Sunday to the local Scooby Clinic (Mrs D?s) and it didn?t go above normal temperature once!!! Dunno why it decided not to leak but I know there?s a hole in the rad as I?ve seen the water spraying out from it.

Am just driving the strange rover instead at the moment ? did some fun offroading on Sunday dudes. Sweet! face-icon-small-happy.gif


<< did some fun offroading on Sunday dudes. Sweet! >>

I nearly did some off-roading on that Benelli TNT last Sunday. Picked up a massive tank-slapper (no, not that kindface-icon-small-wink.gif) coming down from the Creg. Almost ended up in the grass embankment.face-icon-small-shocked.gif Not sweet Dudes!


<< You dont want to leave your gorgeous Claire to be a widow before you are married do you? >>

It would be like.........

"Dude, Where's my Boyfriend?" face-icon-small-wink.gif

Edited to say: Marriage? I'm 22 years old!face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-smile.gif


Dude! Be careful mate!

Not only do we totally not want to see you injure yourself but we don't want to see you help the speed limit campaigners by having a nasty off!!! face-icon-small-blush.gif

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