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I have just read with erm erm "interest" this thread ...........maybe I'm old or would somebody like to explain etc....I've a feeling that I've missed something possibly ????face-icon-small-confused.gif


'allo Brian!

You forgot to say dude!! LOL!

The thread apart from being the longest one in SIDC history IS that in the Film Dude wheres my car, someone says dude! Then the other says sweet what does mine say, then he says DUDE, and the other guy says whats mine say, sweet and on and on and on!!

You have to see the film dude!


And den?!?!?


Dunno what you mean, Jon???

Dude, thanks for those bottle top alloy wheels nuts. And the BOV made out of a cork, cut into bits, was a great idea. face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< Dave, fancy a drop of Glenmorangie? Got a nice malt under the bonnet, keeping it nicely chilled! face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

Dont mind if I do thanks dude, sure we'll have a corker face-icon-small-wink.gif of a time. LOL



Sorry, been drinking Octane Booster and pouring house white through the fuelling system instead.

Might get a few extra BHP by sticking some Rum through the tank.

Wadda reckon, Mr Stokes?



<< Sorry, been drinking Octane Booster and pouring house white through the fuelling system instead.

Might get a few extra BHP by sticking some Rum through the tank.

Wadda reckon, Mr Stokes?

Lol >>

Dude, I've told you before about that but you won't listen! As long as your Sara Lee sponge filter is in good nick then a plentiful supply of Um Bongo in the tank will see you right. Some people add a cupfull of Dandelion & Burdock in there too but I've yet to see any proven dyno results from it....

And remember dude, NO daddies! It's just not sweet.

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