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<< Dudes where has Custom Jon gone ?????face-icon-small-confused.gif >>

He's still doing shift work, wont be over till Richard and Margy get back anyway.

Did see you this morn Andi, just to late, not use to the Audi yet.

Mornin dudes, respray tomorrow.face-icon-small-smile.gif


<< Take it you were just spectating then Dave?

If your rad is knackered I've got the rad I just took out of mine you can have if you want as a temporary measure?

It works fine, just looks a little raggy, but it'd do you until you get a new rad. If you want it (the rad!), give me a buzz on 463787 Dave.

I got me new one on Ebay. Brand new, £104 inc postage!!

If you need a new one here's the link to the guy I got it from:

Link to the guy I got it from. >>

Cheers Jim, for the offer. It don?t leak to bad but its annoying cos the core is in good nick.face-icon-small-sad.gif

May buy one at that price.

Yes I was spectating, you know me. face-icon-small-blush.gif


<< He's still doing shift work, wont be over till Richard and Margy get back anyway.

Did see you this morn Andi, just to late, not use to the Audi yet.

Mornin dudes, respray tomorrow.face-icon-small-smile.gif >>

Nice one Dave dude....face-icon-small-wink.gif



<< Take it you were just spectating then Dave?

Cheers Jim, for the offer. It don?t leak to bad but its annoying cos the core is in good nick.face-icon-small-sad.gif

May buy one at that price.

Yes I was spectating, you know me. face-icon-small-blush.gif >>

No worries dude, if you want it just let me know. I didn't have any problems with it leaking except when my head gasket causes the hose to blow off with there being no lip on the top intake, wouldn't matter on a motor with healthy gaskets though mate. face-icon-small-smile.gif


FFS dudes. Just got in after 14 hour day and I'm knackered. Greeted by a p!ssed missus snoring on the couch face-icon-small-mad.gif Anyone got a room spare coz I am seriously %$£ked off with this face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-frown.gif


<< FFS dudes. Just got in after 14 hour day and I'm knackered. Greeted by a p!ssed missus snoring on the couch face-icon-small-mad.gif Anyone got a room spare coz I am seriously %$£ked off with this face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-frown.gif >>

Nick dude my bloody missus is the same ...She is louder than a bloke...face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-disgusted.gif


Fraid I never really find out as I'm usually way more p1ssed than my mrs.face-icon-small-blush.gif

Morning dudes.

I'm not bad ta Andi - gonna clean (empty!) the car this weekend and hopefully give it a good cleanout.


<< Good morning all dudes...Are you doing any thing this weekend ??????face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

I be mostly polishing dude, if it dont rain.

Got to make the rest of the car match the sprayed parts.



Got to make the rest of the car match the sprayed parts. >>

Dude, shouldn't whoever sprayed it have done that as part of the job?

After all, if it's an insurance job then the objective should be to get the car to the same condition as it previously was!


This is true dude, but the insurance work did not get done, have to wait for that.

It will be buffed to match when the work gets done, just am cleaning it up before I put the trim back on, as cant get to those bits once it?s on.

Purely from a preservation point of view.

Was shocked when I removed the rear bumper to find the mounting bar falling to bits with rust.

Apparently a common prob on most cars as it?s very thin and not painted very well on the basis it will never see the light of day, till your bumper falls off with rust lol.


That's true Dave - I notice the brackets that hold out the outer edges of my front bumper are rusty too. Aside from the wiper arms they're about the only rusty bits on my car but it's good for a 15 year old I suppose!

Jimmy - You want to buy my Fletcher speedboat then mate? When I flog that I could be tempted with a jetski but I want a sportsbike too. Bah for not having enough money!!


<< Can't believe I actually thought it would be dry tonight!!

Bl**dy weather!!face-icon-small-mad.gif

I need a jetski, not a motorbike for this climate!!face-icon-small-blush.gif >>

LOL Jimmy dude...The weather is SH!T , and it has given this tommorrow as well...face-icon-small-mad.gif


<< Jimmy - You want to buy my Fletcher speedboat then mate? When I flog that I could be tempted with a jetski but I want a sportsbike too. Bah for not having enough money!! >>

Jim dude where are you going to keep all your machines M8....

I know up the old girls I thinks face-icon-small-wink.gif LOL...

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