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I was going to get the STI out tomorrow but I cannot because it has run out of tax face-icon-small-shocked.gif

So the next time it is out it will be on Manx reg , And I have a good number lined-up if I can buy it off my wifes friend....face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


<< I was going to get the STI out tomorrow but I cannot because it has run out of tax face-icon-small-shocked.gif


If you can afford a new STi Andi you can afford to tax it surely?! Even on my poverty wage I manange to tax the scoob AND the rangie that I barely use!


Morning dudes , No Jim the missus said to me to get the STI taxed on friday but I could not be A$$ED I can stay in its garage for anther week, plus I have to sort the number plate out...face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< Same here but I was worrying about petrol leaks not water!! face-icon-small-blush.gif >>

Mornin Jim dude, what pressure did you set it to? 3 bar at idle?

Car looked good yesterday.face-icon-small-smile.gif


At last back to normality, have been living at the hotel since tuesday due to hard drive failure in the main server.face-icon-small-sad.gif

Been working 5pm to 8-9am!, screws your body up big time.

Anyway to catch up, Andi if you need a hand with your gauges give me a a call on 498476 or PM me.face-icon-small-smile.gif

Just waiting on my new rad as well now! patched it up for a while but it aint going to last.

The guy off ebay must think somit's wrong with IOM, first Jim then Andi now me, who's next?!


Morning dudes how are you all?

Just been out in the Scoob, not driven it for 3 weeks face-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif thought it was time for a system check face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-smile.gif feels a bit different to our 10 year old Accord Aerodeck, thank goodness face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif



<< At last back to normality, have been living at the hotel since tuesday due to hard drive failure in the main server.face-icon-small-sad.gif

Been working 5pm to 8-9am!, screws your body up big time.

Anyway to catch up, Andi if you need a hand with your gauges give me a a call on 498476 or PM me.face-icon-small-smile.gif

Just waiting on my new rad as well now! patched it up for a while but it aint going to last.

The guy off ebay must think somit's wrong with IOM, first Jim then Andi now me, who's next?! >>

It is nice to hear from you again Dave dude it sounds like you have been very bizzy M8...face-icon-small-wink.gif

If you can I would like you to give me a hand with the gauges , that is kind of you M8...face-icon-small-happy.gif

And the guy from e-bay is very good Dave , his name is william and a nice guy to deal with, And he sent the rad by next day post VERY QUICK...face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif I seems a shame to put a new rad in my old Legacy...


I was outside polishing the Legacy and I herd a big berble coming up the road ,so I went to the end of the road and seen Jim dude going past face-icon-small-happy.gif..

Was I seeing right Jim , do you have a lot more chorme on it ????face-icon-small-wink.gif


Pressure is at 3.2 bar at idle at the moment Dave. Haven't really felt any difference but I wasn't expecting too really, just wanted to make sure I had a decent reg on there. Car pops more on overrun now though.

So am currently waiting to receive new coils, (got new plugs) TD05, yellow injectors, new 02 sensor, gauges like Andi's, new front tyres, and then am getting a map to suit it all. Sweet!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

Yes Andi mate, some of the black paint around the roof was coming away revealing the chrome beneath (WHY Subaru?!!!!) so I've begun removing all the black paint so at some point I can respray it all and have it nice & neat. face-icon-small-smile.gif


£175 including the postage. Not bad at all although there was one went on Ebay the other day for £112!! face-icon-small-blush.gif

Dunno about the power from the turbo itself but with all the other mods mine is aiming to be around 320bhp. Shame we have no rolling road here though to find out. face-icon-small-sad.gif

Walbro fuel pump (& new filter)

FSE fuel regulator

Bosch coils & new plugs

New O2 sensor

TD05 turbo

Bigger injectors


Plus all the gauges etc

HOPEFULLY will be sweet. face-icon-small-smile.gif


It wasn't at 7am mate, it was bucketing down!!

Dave - your car sounded sweet as usual this morning going past mate. face-icon-small-smile.gif

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