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Glasgow Region Santa Cruise Shopping Trip

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Glasgow region Santa Cruise shopping trip is tonight (Tuesday) .

Toys'R'us Govan 6.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to come along and help.

I hope there will be a good turnout 'cos there is a lot of money to be spent on toys tonight :kerstsmiley:

Unfortunately I won't be able to help tonight as I'm off work with gastroenteritis :thumbup: , but I should be OK for Sunday.



Will there be many going? Might turn up a bit later, never donated anything but I'm sure I could chuck a few quid in when I arrive!


Will there be many going? Might turn up a bit later, never donated anything but I'm sure I could chuck a few quid in when I arrive!


Mic, there's only me, Grant and Nanaki at the mo.

If you're free then pop along, an extra pair of hands will be great

look for the wee chinese girl pushing an overflowing trolley ;)


Home at last!!! Had to go back to my bloody flat in paisley to get the code for immobilizer!! Ah well, AA tried their best lol ;)



That'll be the radio mast at Govan Police station affecting your Sigma alarm I'll bet :o

I've been caught out there with mine ;)

How did the shopping go ?



actually ally it was his key fob stopped working even after changing the battery. when you don't know your 4 digit code your kinda goosed really in that situation.

shopping went well. think we were done in about 2 hours. just feel like big kids tbh but you remember it as well.


its hard to tell from the pics but we bought 5 shopping trolley loads of stuff and had 4 separate trips to the till then out to the van ;)

the check out girls and other shoppers really loved us..... had to lift each present onto their counter for scanning, bag it then put it back in the trolley... flet like it took ages!

bought a good combo of girls and boys toys ranging from baby stuff to 16 years old stuff.

Another good haul this year

Now we need 6 Scooby Sleighs....... CLICKY details on post #18

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