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Whos The Best Car Importer

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Can anyone tell me some of the car importers that they know of, the ones that iv found are full of cack.Thanks for your help..

Don't want to bad mouth Calder so I'll stick to the facts. I've never seen a car that I'd want to spend my own money on.

Even sh@t garages/importers can sell the occasional one that wont blow up

Mine came from the notorious Keighly Trade Centre at some point in its UK life and she has been fine and dandy


Mackay Trading are known to be a bit pricey, but a couple of friends have bought their cars and have never had any problems with them.. I cant say the same for Calder.

Newera Imports in England are very highly regarded, you DO pay for that, but if you're willing to pay the extra money then you'll buy a very clean and reliable car.. Going on past experiences with Honda, Toyota and Nissan cars that friends have bought over the years.

Vine Place is another import company, based around York, that a friend bought a performance jap car from and had absolutely no problems with it.. extremely solid car and brilliant service.

Steer WELL clear of any garage in Keighley advertising Jap Performance stuff for what appears to be very competitive prices........ :thumbup:




I thought it had a few faults that you had to put right Grant, fpr etc?

I think you're better to assume the worst as that may well be the case with most of the importers I've seen.


Haha... I'll quote you Squiggle, "even sh@t garages/importers can sell the occasional one that wont blow up" with regards to the Keighley Trade Centre. :thumbup:



Haha... I'll quote you Squiggle, "even sh@t garages/importers can sell the occasional one that wont blow up" with regards to the Keighley Trade Centre. :banana:



Oh yes i realise mines was the exception to the rule regarding Keighley and with hindsight, thanks Colin the rear diff needed attention, bent strut along with the weird plumbing for the fuel system and oh yes it was not a STI RA as advertised but a mere STI 555. I would still avoid them like the plague even though i may have given the impression that they are fine, they are as not fine as not fine can be


Can anyone tell me some of the car importers that they know of, the ones that iv found are full of cack.Thanks for your help..

Can recommend Stewart Chapman who posts on here, got mine from him, top bloke and very helpful,would use him again defo . :thumbup:

Posted (edited)

I got mine from Calder Motor Company over 3 and half years ago - only because I did not know any other places to look.

Personally I would not recommend Calder as I have heard a lot of bad stories about them and I had a few problems with mine.

About of months after I got mine the rocker gasket went leaking oil, the head gasket went and as a knock on effect the heater matrix then went, then got a hair line crack in the radiator and the car needed a new clutch………. After a visit to Greer’s the car came back and I've not had any major prob's in the last 3yrs.

As Squiggle says "even sh@t garages/importers can sell the occasional one that wont blow up"


Edited by Oz *STI*

We've imported a few now over the past few years (3 to be honest!) and the guy we use in Japan is 100% as far as I am concerned!

Othe roption is bring one in yourself




Looking at http://www.bonsaicars.com at the moment - eek!

several lovely STI Wagons on there which I want but dont quite understand the process of how cars are updated at 3pm and information/reports etc is all sorted out by bidding at 9..

Gonna try and work it out this afternoon tho :huh:

I can personally vouch for this guy


You'll deal with him and him only. He is Edinburgh based. I know someone

he imported an Integra DC5 for recently and it was pain free and a lot cheaper then bigger outfits

His name is Steve..........give him a call and see what he can do for you ?



Another big thumbs up for Steve.


Thanks Gus.

You sold the 555? No way. Thought you would have kept that for a while longer. I've got a 2 door type r in Black. I'm keeping this one. It's currently in bits in the garage, waiting for bits to arrive from Japan. Should have it up and running next couple of weeks.


Can recommend Stewart Chapman who posts on here, got mine from him, top bloke and very helpful,would use him again defo . :huh:

Hi Tony,

How's the car going? You should have contacted me before fitting Lexus rear lights. I've got a set you could have for free. Also did you get the BIMTA cert's? I got them sent to your address. Hope all is well and will pop through sometime when i get my 2 door up and running.



I have just been offered a euro spec hawkeye 2.5 sti type uk for a good price, are these ok as in not being a uk or jap car.Is the spec the same, seats, power, etc,

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