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scoobys-young guy's car?

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Was surveying a guys house yesterday, when I finished the guy followed me out and said "why are you driving a young guys car, I don't like subarus" I'm 37 admit not that young, I replied to him don't think they are young guys cars, when I considered myself a "young guy" I couldn't have afforded to insure one. He drove a Volvo , what a f4nny.

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He drove a Volvo

Knut probably has a caravan too. wot a To$$er

Imagine towing a caravan around [au] no one on here would be seen dead doing that i hope !

Eh gus [:D]

Newage STI owned by a middle aged lawyer in gala and met a few older guys driving them round here but so many numptys seem to be able to run them nowadays

Boy i work with has a mate teen/20's  who ran his with different profile tyre back and front and tried to use fairy liquid for clutch fluid when he couldn't afford any [:)]



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Hoy! I've also a S70 T5 its the family bus,would sit at 150 aw day ,dont knock them....would piss over a standard scoob in a straight line(once its stopped spinning its wheels mind you[:$])



oooh and I'm 40....middle aged ?? 

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at 52 years of age an owner of 2 scoobies and a st fiesta i have also blown that theory out of the water.

i have an STI an ST all i need now is an [:P]STD and i will have the full set geo






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this guy must not be gettin any htats the whole point of gettin a fast car the burds love um no matter what age u are

 muppet !




you better not be meaning me m8  and if you are i get more lovin than i can cope with,just ask my wife and 14 girl friends  ps dont tell the wife [:$] lol  geo
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