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"If it's broke-upgrade it" - Cheers Greers !

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My jalopy has been using water for a while now [:D].

I'd tried all the obvious things - running off-boost , not using heater for a week , visual check of hoses / radiator , check for steam from exhaust etc etc - all the time trying to convince myself it wasn't the head-gaskets [:S]

We discussed the problem at Glasgow meets and the Saturday OSIDC munch-meets at Peters restaurant .

Loads of good suggestions were tried and it gradually became harder to convince myself that it wasn't the head-gaskets [:'(]

I was becoming increasingly scunnered by the problem [8o|] so I decided that it was time to bite-the-bullet and I headed down to Greersport .

.  .  .  I arrived at lunchtime and noticed a familiar looking 399.6bhp STI parked outside . I went into the garage , which was strangely quiet  . . . they were all in the office , tucking into chinese meals . "Looks like Fai17's modding again !" I thought to myself [:D

I explained the symptoms to Bill and , without looking up from his curry, he just said two words (yep you've guessed) "head gaskets"

We had a natter and I got booked for the following week .

Car went in on Wednesday 10.30 and I got it back on Friday 17.30 as promised .

 Cylinder-heads were skimmed , new gaskets , ARP head studs , new sparkplugs, oil & filter , SARD thermostat , SAMCO coolant hoses .

A first-class job was done in record time and for a (very) reasonable price (SIDC rate).

My car is much smoother (now that I have equal compression on all four cylinders again) , it's not used a drop of coolant , and I'm smiling again [:D]

Thanks to all the guys who helped with advice Squirrel , Gordon Gray , Coulty , Jimser and loads more .. , thanks to Peter (Fai17) for the lift home on Wednesday , and finally , thanks again to Greersport [Y]



No problems Ally...it was my pleasure to take you home after you've dropped your car off.

Glad that all is well now.[H]

Go and drive the beast now

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