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  1. Damn, I always thought that the Stig would have been unmasked by Scooby Doo, Shaggy and the gang in a one off animated adventure. Anyhoo, is it not just an attempt by a mediocre, non-speaking celebrity to cash in on the notoriety of a brand, (Stig) created by the tax-payers money. Wouldn't get Clarkson doing that sort of thing. Oops ... too late. Good PR on the media too. Well done to the BBC for advertising the book on the 6 o'clock news. And the 9 o'clock news. Almost top trumped Blairs book. Theres a question: who is going to unmask David Cameron and Nick Clegg? Like others said - anyone who wanted to know knew anyway. Pah.
  2. Job done. Loosened the battery clamp on the passenger side and removed the air scoop on the drivers side. Simple enough when its not raining !!! Need to check the passenger side is seated correctly as the beam height looks a bit different. Thanks Phil MC & 5t.
  3. Need to replace blown bulbs - 2005 Blobeye ... do I need to remove battery / air duct or should I just remove the lamp unit? I last did it 5 years ago and my memory ain't what it used to be Many tas ...
  4. I'd get the spare on PDQ mate. Wouldn't fancy a collapsed wheel at any speed !!!
  5. Glad to hear you and your passenger are ok.
  6. Didn't see it myself, but my mother-in-law said it was as 56 - too close to S6 for my liking. :lol:
  7. My mother-in-law spotted a burning / burnt out impreza near Blantyre this afternoon, 56 plate. Police & Fire Brigade in attendance. Apparently everything went up bar the rear bumper. Anyone on here? Hope everyone is OK.
  8. God bless google ... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/20p-Coin-Rally-Car-I...6#ht_500wt_1182
  9. I'm not a fan as I agree its too Evo5/6 with a hint of MG about it as others have said. However, respect is due to FHI/Subaru if they have brought this out amidst the 'cool' response to the hatch model from the customers. Anyhoo, as mentioned when the hatch came out: who buys a scooby for their dashing goodlooks. If it goes like fook and sticks to the road like nothing else this side of £30k, I might be persuaded. So whats this new springs, 305ps, widebody, wide track bit all about then ... is it going to go like fook and stick to the road ...
  10. Doubt a strut brace would make any difference whatsoever. Just your donald duck I'm afraid. A radar avoidance invention would probably be a better investment but the constables might take a dim view of all the swerving you would need to do. My tails of woe: I had the windscreen changed on my Golf following a stonechip at 70mph and an crack progressed up the window over the next 30 mins. Autoglass sorted it at my work although I had to work late to allow the epoxies to set. Job well done though. Better still: My wife thought it would be a good idea to have a clean car for an MOT. Seemed reasonable. So off I trotted to the local IMO for a soap and sud session en route to the MOT station. Done it loads of times. Not at -5C though. D'oh. As soon as the car entered the car wash the rear window exploded: cue me ducking under the dashboard thinking it was a hit !!! After a short discussion with the MOT station, I kept the MOT appointment although we had to agree that the A4 would fail its MOT due to sharp edges on the body work!!! Took it to Autoglass that afternoon and passed the MOT at 5pm on inspection. It was crimbo eve. Never get your car washed and MOTd in the days leading up to christmas. Stone chips are one of lifes unexpected pains in the A$%@.
  11. I just had a guesstimate on fuel costs for my 2005 42k miler from new ... Then I guesstimated your 130k miler cost ... Still, money well spent IMHO
  12. Have to admit that the hatches are kinda growing on me, but only the STi mind. Saw StrikE's pass me in EK as I ate lunch a few days after purchase and kinda liked it then, but looks great now. Well done. I was in Dundee at the end of January and HEARD, then saw a mighty burbly (blue) hatch Tescos car park. I thought the hatches were quiet in the main, until I heard this one. Anyone one here? What were the mods?
  13. Something loose in the wheel well e.g. security wheel nut thing? Loose Jack?
  14. Should have started on the 24th. All the elves are on holiday for another year!!! Have you got the White STI hatch? Think I've seen you in both Blantyre and parked on the same spot in town for the past year.
  15. New age (2005). The car was parked in EK shopping centre like it has done loads of times in the past. She got it going with the key and code. Tried her key when she got home, didn't work. Tried mine and it worked just fine. So I set about re-synching the keys with the car and hey presto, its all good again. Checked the old battery too - 3V, exactly as it should be. For some reason, the key lost synch with the car ??? Anyway, its all good now. Thanks for the replies.
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