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Everything posted by karps

  1. was your black wrx at the kincaid on monday? seen it if it was you. Im from bishy, work in kirky
  2. ha ha norry. i will be thinkin of you all when im larging it
  3. cheers for the info guys
  4. did i mention i woldnt be there
  5. cheers scott il have to put this on hold till i get some money together
  6. so any suggestions?? that mean i need a new headunit or is there an extention i can fit or ..????????????
  7. got everything , just how to wire it up im lost lol might be up not to sure yet
  8. how do i ,or can i , wire an amp into my sti8 headunit?????
  9. i might take a run up........oops im in IBIZA then awwwwwww lol
  10. 1.TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome 2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................???????????? 3.Billyboy........................................Both.................................???????????? 4.Sti-zlv(matt).................................Both..................................??????????? 5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both.............................................. 6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH 7. JAC 8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come ! 9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry
  11. cheers grant & co fot a great run. mind you i think we were sticking to the rules a bit too much at the start but a good mix of twisties and straights. shame about the guy in the passatt tdi, he so much wanted to join in. aw well of to strathy now noel
  12. 1. Smiddy (Phil) (ex SN SCOSaltire) 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti
  13. norrie you better get your beauty sleep cos the lack of it is begining to show
  14. lol@ grant even ive got more posts than you
  15. 17th only for a week though can you imagine ..... me clubbing in san antonio .lol
  16. now how hard was this to set up to keep us all happy
  17. Im going too, il be on the fast and modified display somewhere. gotta get polishing lol
  18. i would love to go on track again but unfortunately i will be in MEXICO ON HOLIDAY
  19. im free that night, what did you have in mind ? ( il do anything to show mine off nobody ever seems to see me lol )
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